I demand a do over
I just went through all the kids candy. You know...to inspect it for butcher knives & explosives & such.
Not one single Milky Way in the whole lot.
*sooooooooo disapppointed*
The Random Thoughts of Kathy Howe.
I just went through all the kids candy. You know...to inspect it for butcher knives & explosives & such.
Not one single Milky Way in the whole lot.
*sooooooooo disapppointed*
Someday a male significantly older than the age of 5 will leap into my bed in the morning and announce with great excitement, "Watch me shake my butt!!"
My blog is worth $89,761.86.
How much is your blog worth?
Your 80s Heartthrob Is |
![]() Bill Gates |
Before the boy child went out to play I explained to him that he would need to take his shoes off outside before he could come back inside.
Twenty minutes later I called the little darling inside & while I finished in the kitchen I shouted a cheerful reminder.
When I got to the table with his plate I found him setting his muddy& poopy shoes on the dining room table.
His response?
"You SAID you didn't want my shoes on the FLOOR!"
I just went thru all my travel mail that the post office held for me last week. Much to my surprise I found two birthday cards addressed to me.
My birthday was in August.
Thank you mom & j-mo.
Jesus Hubert Christ Almighty.
I love my father very much but I'm afraid I am going to have to kick his ass and send him home.
It is 11:15 on Sunday night and I was jarred out of bed from my very nice slumber by very loud banging from somewhere downstairs. The very loud banging was promptly followed by two insane barking dogs one of which was barking outside my bedroom door.
My first thought was that he was banging on the door because he had managed to lock himself out again.
Oh no. That wasn't it.
I slipped on my slippers & shuffled downstairs to find him hammering in my garage. He just needed to fix something for me real quick.
*In the middle of the night!?!?*
I didn't even know I had anything in the garage that was broken.
I was just flipping channels & guess who I find on channel 9 singing the national anthem?
Josh Grobin.
Now guess who is sobbing?
I'm starting to think he could sing Chuck Berry's song, "My Ding-A-Ling" & still reduce me to a puddle.
*blows nose*
I'm home from Arizona. Safe & sound & fully hydrated.
And very, very tired.
The weather was outstanding & my meetings went well. Everything related to transportation sucked ass.
Don't get me started.
The highlight of my trip was meeting up with three teammates from a former project for happy hour. Two of them reside in Arizona. Myself & one other just happened to be in town at the same time.
Pure luck.
It was great to hang out with them & spend time catching up face to face - not just on work but on life as well. They are interesting people in & out of the office.
And lots of fun too.
One of the greatest things about my career is that I have met a lot of really fantastic people. Friendly, funny & talented. People that I get along with on both a personal & professional level.
It's too bad that some of them live so darn far away.
If I find the time & energy this weekend I'll post all the lowlights of trip. All I can say is I'd be sunk if I didn't have a sense of humor.
Now if you'll excuse me, my bed is cleared for landing.
1. I almost missed my flight. Broke a sweat running to the gate.
2. Was upgraded to 1st class as punishment for being late.
3. Plane made it to runway but had to return to the gate to eject a bitchy passenger.
4. Guy next to me talked in his sleep.
5. Watched Batman Begins during flight. I think one of the characters used to play Steve on Days of Our Lives.
6. Guy next to me also snored.
7. Based on all the coughing & sneezing he did while he was awake I'd guess the guy next to me isn't feeling well. Great.
8. Do people really save their purchased headphones for future flights?
9. If ever offered Biscoff I'd suggest you pass.
10. I think a cool job would be to review the products in the Sky Mall magazine. Maybe do some product comparisons: how does their fireplace vacuum differ from a shopvac?
11. The woman seated in front of me had every inch of her hair perfectly curled. I barely have the patience to dry mine in the morning.
12. The case on the airplane pillow could double as medical gauze. Quite sanitary in look & feel.
13. Random Kathy Howe fact: aisle seats make me dizzy during take off & landing. Not nervous or nautious...just dizzy.
Perception vs. reality is a concept I ponder an awful lot. Explaining one reason why the following meme -- in which I invite everyone who regularly reads the silly drivel here at Kazoofus to describe me in one word and one word only -- appeals to me.
Some of my readers know me well, some know me in passing, a few hardly know me at all. Some are friends, some are acquaintances, some lurk in the shadows and never introduce themselves. Some of you have known me for what seems like years, some for a matter of weeks. Only a few of you have I ever met me face-to-face.
Which will make your perceptions all the more interesting. So. I'd like to ask all of you -- especially those of you who read but never comment -- to leave your one-word description of me in the comments. Please refrain from reading previous comments until after you've left yours, and do be completely candid. Brutal if it makes you happy.
I'll gladly return the favor if you like.