Saturday, October 08, 2005

Into everyone's front seat a little cheesecake must fall.

This weekend is both a kid-free and TLMS-free weekend for me. Kids are with their padre, TLMS is being a padre to his own kids. After seeing him every weekend for about the last three weeks or so I was a little concerned that the skills required to fly solo for a weekend may have escaped me. I have good news kids:

It's like riding a bike.

I haven't had an ounce of trouble filling my time in fact I'm a smidge surprised that it is 6pm already.

Time flies when you are a total busy body.

Last night I went to bed quite early and got some much needed rest. I woke up this morning, slowly dragged myself out of bed and eventually swept up the garage. I vaccuumed the upstairs, googled "box elder bug repellent" and eventually took a very long hot shower.

I rocked out to a CD, did some laundry, ran some errands and eventually made my way to a reunion party which was oodles of fun. That's how I ended up with an entire cheesecake parked in my front seat to bring home.

I'm not entirely sure the kids like cheesecake which makes me nervous because I very much like cheesecake and I lack skills in the willpower department. I haven't had dinner yet but I've had two pieces of cheesecake already.

If there is a trace of cake around when the kids get home tomorrow it will be a small miracle.

I was going to power-wash the siding on the house tonight but the sun is starting to set already *sobs* and I am not sure it is a good idea to run the garden hose just hours before the frost sets in. I'll save cleaning the siding for tomorrow I guess.

Tonight's agenda includes making something real to eat because this girl cannot live on cheesecake alone. I'm thinking real food this time too. Not cold cereal or cheese and crackers. I have these chicken things I could make that are very yummy.

I'm feeling domesticated ambitious can ya tell?

I am also going to unpack winter gear and pack away the summer duds. I'm fairly certain my days of wearing tank tops while sledgehammering in the backyard are over for 2005. I also need to shake rugs and mop floors downstairs but that might be saved for tomorrow because tonight would be a GREAT night to curl up in front of the fireplace and do some journaling while listening to Loreena McKennitt.

I have priorities donchyaknow.


Blogger Iki said...

My life would be complete if I had a fireplace.

I combine the power washing with the box elder bug killing: my bug guy power washes my house with poison every spring and fall. Works like a charm. :)

Also, gimme that goddamn cheesecake. Cheesecake hog.

7:41 PM  
Blogger elzie said...

Love Loreena! A friend gifted me w/one of her CD's - haunting.
MMM cheesecake.
Feel a complete and utter sloth after reading this :P

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love quiet weekends.
And cheesecake. mmmmMMMMMMmmmmmm

7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow and I thought I had a productive weekend putting the patio furniture away and semi sweeping the basement. I better go vaccum at least to make me feel that smidge more productive. Coulumbus Day is a holiday here and I have the day off so I can be productive and lazy tomorrow too!

1:24 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Tell us more about the yummy chicken things.

10:53 PM  

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