Sunday, October 16, 2005

I work to rest

I can't wait to get back to the office.

Note to self: do not partake in the family tradition of Pumpkin Patches and Apple Orchards on the same weekend that you launch a new family tradition:

Leaf Pile Party

It took Boo Bear less than 60 seconds to fall asleep tonight and his sister wasn't far behind. I think there will be a lot of parents singing KathyHowe praises after their own little cherubs nod off tonight without incident.

It won't be long and I'll be zonked out too.

I can't believe how many leaves these kids can get stuffed into their drawers. My bathroom floor looked like it had a leaf party of it's own going on.

The highlight of the party was when my mop bucket mysteriously ended up out in the middle of the pond. I'm not entirely sure how it got there but I know my daughter played a small role in the event. I missed the photo opp as I rushed to the garage to get the snow rake to fetch out the pail of algae water before it sank too deep.

Have you ever tried keeping an eye on ten kids?

The party was scheduled to go from 1-3 but the locals are a tougher crowd to get rid of since nobody needs to fetch them in a car and haul them out of here. It's up to me to send them home and they were still behaving and having fun so I didn't rush them out of the yard. A few kids lingered until about 4:30 which was fine because they also helped pick up toys, rakes, sidewalk chalk and brooms.

The kids really had a great time and several of the kids asked me if we could do it again. Some of the guests had participated in the Impromptu Snow Party of 2004 and asked when I'd be having another of those.

Just waiting for a little snow, m'darlings.

I also managed to power-wash my house with some poison this weekend. I can't say that all of the box elder bugs are gone but the majority of them are dearly departed as of about 2pm today. I'll have to go shopvac the deceased out of the garden at some point this week.

I hope all of you had a fantastic weekend. I'm off to bed soon but not before I shake the leaves out of my own drawers.



Blogger Sp00kalot said...

10 kids. God bless you!

I have box elder bugs too! Kinda like 'em for some reason. They dont bite me so I give them the right away in my house. Are they bad for your house? I dont know if I want to know.

11:18 AM  
Blogger Kathy Howe said...


I don't think they are bad for your house but they multiply faster than rabbits if you don't deal with them.

1:35 PM  

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