Friday, October 14, 2005

I'm starting a tribe.

I'm not typically a person that gets pissy about crappy-ass people around me but the last few days or so I've encountered some real dogdamn morons. Usually they just roll off me like water off a ducks back but this week they are getting on my last damn nerve. I've decided to start my own tribe and that requires me to steal something I once saw over on Ellemental.

Ladies and Gentlemen I bring you...


Not My People, by Kathy Howe.

1. People that make excuses for every stupid thing. If I asked you to have something done by a specific time and it isn't done just tell me WHEN IT WILL BE DONE. Quit the song and dance routine and GIVE ME A COMMITMENT. If you'd SHUT UP with the excuses you could be GETTING SHIT DONE.

Not my people.

2. People who are disrespectful.

Not my people.

3. People that sue their own family members. Repeatedly.

Not my people.

4. People that don't pay attention to what they were just told and continue to ask the same question over and over and over and over and over and over.

Not my people.

5. Anyone with a constant case of Chicken Little Syndrome.

Not my people.

6. Anyone that acts like the world is out to get them.

Not my people.

7. People that feel the need to constantly cover their ass. What in the hell are you doing if you need to cover your ass all the time? Think about it.

Not my people.

8. Constantly critical people. If you don't have something nice to say shut the hell up.

Not my people.

9. People that would rather lie and avoid the truth than buck up take responsibility for their mistakes.

Not my people.

10. People that drive like assholes and honk their horns because the car in front of them isn't turning fast enough for them.

Not my people.

Tell me about your people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, here goes: These are not my people.

People who never take responsibility for their actions.

People who punctuate every sentence with "You know." Hey, if I know, why are you telling me?


People who empty ashtrays in the parking lot. Any parking lot.

Anyone who thinks Reality TV is anything other than stupid.

People who are judgemental... before they get to know you.

Anyone who drives a million-ton SUV. I'm blaming you and not Katrina if gas prices keep going up.

Anyone who doesn't have a charity they support.

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who don't flush the toilet in a public restroom.

Not my people.

7:31 AM  

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