This is your Captain.
Things to do while the
1. Do something nice for someone.
2. Call or email someone you haven't talked to for a long time.
3. Step away from the computer and go for a walk.
4. Stare out the window at the pretty blue sky...for hours.
5. Meditate.
6. Count your blessings.
7. Send someone a card for no reason at all.
8. Put ABC Rhymes in my comments.
9. Throw a frisbee for your dog.
10. Close your eyes and visualize the colors of the rainbow. Associate something wonderful with each color.
Over and out.
I've called someone twice and she never answer's her phone.
- Under over (airplane)
I'll do some of those this week if you promise to do one something nice for yourself! See you when you land...or take off ... damn I am no good a them metaphors!
My fingers are broken from typing income opportunity in the search engines and finding scam artist sites. this post came up and I am glad to finally get to read posts by actual people and not some jerk who thinks that using income opportunity entitles him to sell me junk. I like your site and will return to read more posts. Have a good day and thanks for being a nice site.
E is for EEEEK I can't think of a thing!
F is for following keith sucks, cuz he's rhyming KING!
Thank you for your wonderful site. Although I did not find admin jobs as a directmatch to your site, I did however enjoy the career advice from other posts.
Thanks again for being here!
I is for imagination, wild and bold
J is for juvenile, as in never growing old
I keep checking back in so I can get the letter "T" and write a small poem about turtlenecks...
M is for MOST of those things were done while I was on MAUI. N is for NOT NUMBER NINE; NO dog, thank dog.
P is for PAIN IN THE ASS PLANE PROBLEMS- ain't flying fun?? O is for OH! I left OUT "O" OH DEAR.
Q is for time to QUIT!
T is for Turtle, the neck I prefer,
U is for Unpleasant, (the weather here), Brrrrr.
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