These are the days of my life.
2. If you want to get your fathers attention open your garage door, scream loudly then slam the door. If that doesn't make the old man run, nothing will. RIP dearly departed squirrel that was left for me on my garage floor.
3. Because I am a firm believer in thinking happy thoughts, I bought myself daisies today. They are presently on the nightstand next to my bed. Daisies, sunshine, puppies and beer. Life is still good, amigos.
4. My dad stayed at my house while I was in Arizona this past week. On Friday morning at 12:30 AM I arrived home, hauled my tired self and suitcases upstairs and found my bed turned down and a welcome home note from my dad on my pillow. It is nice to be missed.
5. While my dad has been here he managed to lock himself out of my house. Instead of waiting for me to get home he drilled my door knob off my door and installed a new one. What...we don't have locksmiths in this town?
6. While I was in Arizona I was stood up by two cabs I reserved. The first one had me late for a meeting, the second had my late to the airport. Guess what I think of Arizona transportation right now?
7. My "check gages" light came on in my truck this weekend. Why the hell not. Broken relationship, broken hand, broken jelly jar, broken truck. I sense a trend.
8. If my dog doesn't stop pacing the house I might break his legs.
9. Last night I told The Boy he needs to stop checking in on me and asking me how I'm doing with the break-up with TLMS. He is starting to depress me.
10. If you have never read Max Ehrman's, Desiderata go here and read it now. And if you have read it, read it again.
Did you really break you hand?
Yes TLMNLS (the last man no longer standing) needs to give you some space to breathe.
It IS nice to be missed and Dad's are the best. Ya know why? They can't be broken up with.
HUGS and get that cat a toy so he stops torturing small animals
Michelle - I dunno about the hand. I can't wring out a dish rag and it is more swollen and bruised today than it was yesterday. It also also decided to start sending shooting pain up my pointer finger. If it isn't better in another day or two I'll have to go in and have it looked at. Typing is presently a bitch of a task.
P.S. Michelle - TLMS is not in contact with me at this point. In this post I referenced conversations with The Boy. They are not the same person.
The Boy is my best friend of many many years.
TLMS is someone I'm no longer in a relationship with. He is very much respecting my space.
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