The Best of Kathy Howe
This is definately one of my favorites:
10 totally true things about JJJJB:
1. He does one hell of an impersonation of Karen from Will and Grace
2. The first time he landed in jail was because of an outburst at his local Piggly Wiggly. He found out there was no alcohol in Root Beer. He was 12. His mom is still pissed.
3. He’s been known to quote Dr. Seuss at the office holiday party after one too many eggnogs.
4. For the past 10 years he has dressed up as Cher for Halloween.
5. He has a dog named “Biteme”. He enjoys yelling for the dog very loudly out the back door. Even when the dog is inside. This annoys his wife to no end.
6. He’s not too manly to wear pink. Check his briefs if you think I’m kidding.
7. He has more shoes than Imelda could ever HOPE to have.
8. Over the weekend he won the Zimbabwe lottery. He has an email from the Ambassador to Zimbabwe to prove it.
9. He was a jazz singer/dancer in a previous life. Don’t believe me? Shout 5, 6, 7, 8! the next time he is within earshot and watch him go.
10. When he was a child he had a reoccuring dream about the Church of Ass. It is all starting to make sense to him now.
What do YOU know about JJJB?
I love number 9. I'll keep it in mind for the next time I run into him. ;) Is he invited to the next Midwest BlogHer Meetup in Northern Minnesota? He sounds like big entertainment!
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