Sometimes I get sick of talking about me
Stolen from Keri, while she was drooling over John Cusack on her movie wall.
Leave your name in the comments and...
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
4. I'll try to say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
I'll be posting my responses in the comments of this post.
Interesting concept.
Oh how fun!
I'm in!
Well hell, I might have to do this one.
Me, please!
1. After who knows how many years I still can’t remember if how many J’s are in your nickname or what all of it stands for.
2. The first song on the soundtrack for Chicago. You know, the one where they yell “5! 6! 7! 8!”.
3. Do they make beer flavored jello?
4. Never more than six degrees from the word ass.
5. I remember when you returned to blogging and blamed it on my father.
6. An ass, duh.
7. Why don’t you wear more pink? Buzz wears it so it must be cool.
1. I love that you wore black to your wedding!
2. A movie? Definitely one of those happily ever after movies although I’m not thinking of anything in particular.
3. Do they make champagne jello? You seem so damn bubbly all the time, it seems appropriate for you.
4. I’m thinking someething with four letters that starts with the letter L and isn’t “Love”.
5. Oh gosh, this is HARD! If I remember right you found me through Iki over at After Hours Pub.
6. A kitten because you strike me as frisky and playful.
7. Tell me about your blogging history. When did you start, how did you discover blogging, how long have you been doing it?
1. You sent me one of my all time favorite gifts ever – books that you had read and made notes in. It was like getting a private look inside your head and getting an insiders view of what struck you as you read the books. Thank you so much for sharing those with me!!
2. Something with Humphry Bogart because you are an absolute classic.
3. Scotch jello, of course.
4. mmmmmm…beer mail…
5. Oh wow…first memory? That’s hard because there are so many. I think one of my the most memorable things about you is some of our philosophical email exchanges. You are great about getting me thinking about new ideas and old ones, in new ways.
7. How tall are you?
1. I have always been envious of your tour of the U.S. I think that for as crazy as it was for you to up and quit a job and do that, it was once in a lifetime things that is just oh so totally cool.
2. Easy! The song Move Your Body. I downloaded it off your site and listen to it often on my computer.
3. Cherry jello.
4. Chatterbox.
5. I remember meeting you for the first time and how we just laughed and talked for hours. Why in the HELL don’t we get together more often!?!?!?
6. Tiger for sure.
7. What is something you have done recently that you are really proud of yourself for?
1. You have the coziest warm-fuzzy writing style out of anyone I have ever read before.
2. Any song by Etta James.
3. Do they make rhubarb jello?
4. buzzisagoofball *grins*
5. Probably when I made the connection that you are Buzz's mom.
6. Eagle - you strike me as someone that is quite brave and bold but also very beautiful and intriguing.
7. Tell me something Buzz did that was very naughty.
Can I still play?
ME!!! Even though I haven't done yours yet. Or several others. I will. I WILL! :)
I'm really quite proud of myself for taking up running and having stuck with it as far as I have. I started doing it because I felt really shitty about myself and needed to do something that I could feel good about. I never felt a need to personally challenge myself that way before, and the high I've gotten off that feeling of achievement is unbelievable. I continue to amaze myself each time I run farther or faster than I ever have before, but participating in the 10-mile race and the marathon festivities this weekend was particularly big for me.
Side note: have you ever heard Don Henley's song "For my Wedding"? Go hunt down the lyrics on the net.
Wearing black was very appropriate to me. :)
Tell me about your blogging history. When did you start, how did you discover blogging, how long have you been doing it?
I started blogging in Sept 04, right as I discovered I had a heriditary liver disease. Well, actually, it was as I was being tested for it and didn't know the full extent.
While researching, I ran across a blog that used the blogger platform and thought that I'd give it a whirl so I'd have a place to write my thoughts. I also love designing stuff, so it was a perfect match for me.
I've journaled off and on as long as I can remember and I once lost an over 10 year journal I was saving on my hard drive (with no backup- dumb girl). This seemed like a much better idea.
(oh, and now I back up my database monthly!)
You're right. I found you through Iki! Thank you Iki!
Look at all these people! See what you got yourself into! Ha ha...
Sooo, am I too late?? :P
do me! do me!
I'm late, but can I play too???
1. I used to have this image in my mind that models were snotty and you have completely shattered that notion.
2. Don't kill me: Dukes of Hazard with you playing Daisy Duke. With legs like yours you could totally pull it off.
3. Strawberry.
4. Oh for the love of Pete Rose...this is the hard question. How about this: through our private emails you know about an experience I had that I don't blog about.
5. Oh easy. I remember when I found your blog: Therapy Failed. The minute I saw the title I knew we had something in common and liked you instantly!
6. A butterfly.
7. When you were a child you nearly died many times due to health problems. If you could give any parent of a sick child one piece of advice for helping their child cope, what would it be?
heh...this one is going to be fun...
1. You are the sassiest damn blogger I have ever met.
2. Practical Magic, duh.
3. For you I'm thinking Jello Shots. Do they come in raspberry?
4. Shelacing (sp?) the bathroom floor.
5. Well it certainly isn't my first memory but I remember meeting you face to face for the first time. You were EXACTLY like I expected you to be.
6. Cheetah...FAST!
7. How many times have you run 500 miles?
I'm going to be finishing this up tonight. Unless your name is already in the comments this game is officially closed.
Thanks for playing!
Wow, you ask tough questions. I guess the one thing I would tell parents of a sick child is to not make them feel any different than any other kid. If they do something wrong and the doctor says its OK, punish them. It was probably the best thing my parents did for me. Also, never make them feel like a freak. It can be difficult, but you have to treat them like they are perfectly normal and healthy.
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