Tuesday, October 18, 2005

If it weren't for lists we'd forget what to buy

1. Can you NaNoWrimo in list form? In the end would it be a novel or a really long friggen list? Discuss.

2. All ya'all know how much I dislike talking on the phone, right? I am pleased to announce that The Last Man Standing shares that feeling. Sucks to be Ma Bell but damn good to be me.

3. I have already started Christmas shopping. I have also done away with our stupid fake tree which will either force me to go buy a real tree or as my son says, "just get one of those candle things". Even my children think we're Jewish.

4. I decided that playing the lottery is hard and I blame it on full service stations and paying the pump. I haven't actually been INSIDE a gas station in years.

5. The children witnessed Monkey that Cat off two rodents this weekend. My daughter suggested we change his name to Killer and rent him out. Your payment should be large quantities of unmarked catnip in a brown paper sack.

6. I fully support cleanliness but my son can spend a ridiculous amount of time washing his hands. Wipe 'em on yer pants and lets go!

7. Today I noticed someone I used to work with is in the newspaper. I wonder if I can somehow cash in on his newfound celebrity status?

8. I just paid off a big debt this past week and was able to actually convince them to knock $400 off the balance for a payment in full. Now if I can live to be 180 years old I can pay off the rest of my debt.

9. The old Kazoofus isn't being restored because I don't know the first thing about getting the files hosted and it appears my host doesn't offer this type of support. I've decided to adopt the "fast, cheap and easy" philosophy for this site. I just don't give a shit enough to figure it out but if you do...drop me a line.

10. I don't have a number 10. Do you?


Blogger Jen said...

I don't know how to do this (number 9) and number ten?

I better pack to I can fly home tomorrow.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Jeff A said...

7. That would depend on what they were in the paper for. Now see I find a friend in the news of record every once in awhile but that makes me hang out with them less! (news of record here is a log of police calls)

8. I wish I could get sonething payed off. Seems like every time I do I add 2 more bills into the fray!

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo on #8 I know how hard paying debt off is. So easy to get into and so hard to get out of. Sounds like you did some saavy negotiations! Now maybe you can use the money you saved to get a Christmas tree! Smack me. I am a smartass

8:38 PM  
Blogger Iki said...

Gimme your stuff. I'll fix it for you. Even though I'm now on outpatient status and the road to withdrawl recovery regarding dynobaby, I'll still fix it for you. :)

6:42 AM  

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