If his cough doesn't kill him, I will.
He coughs all day long. I mean it.
Oh wait no...that's not a cough it's a hack. He sounds like he could vomit any second.
It's really quite lovely to listen to all day.
The Random Thoughts of Kathy Howe.
I, too, have co-workers who do this. Sometimes it's just that old man phlegm-hack thing (which is disgusting enough). But what I really hate is when people come in to work sick (I say this as I sit here blowing my nose, but it's just a tiny little cold, not the flu, which I swear some people have come into work with) and hack and cough and sneeze and basically spread their germs throughout the whole office.
And people who take the bus and do so as well. Talk about a casket on wheels.
OOO! I work with an allergy guy who keeps *sniffling*. Once while I was eating lunch, he kept *sniffling* with every breath in, I told him to STOP IT, but he said he has allergies and cant help it. I told him YES YOU CAN when I had no idea if that was true but HOW ANNOYING. He still does it. Every. Breath. In. SNIFFFFF. SNIFFFFF. SNIFFFFF.
My mother claims that her ever-present cough is the result of "allergies." The dozens of cigarettes she smokes each day have nothing to do with it. Yeah, right.
Uh oh...
Go read my blog today. Seriously.
Give him some allergy medicine so the snot will stop running down his throat and making him cough.
I hate to say it, but my allergies make me cough too. That's why I take my medicine.
OMG, a girl I work with has the same problem. She's had "allergies" for months now. She's coughing in people's faces all the damn time.
She also refuses to acknowledge that the onset of the hacking coincided exactly with the arrival of her new cat.
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