Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Conservation 101, by Sissy Bear Howe

Tonight my daughter informed me that using more than 4 sheets of toilet paper is a waste.

Who wants to be the first to test this theory?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Where art thou, KathyHowe?

My writing has been in the toilet lately. My apologies to my regular drivel seekers for my lack of presence here.

Lately I have been dealing with a crazy family schedule, the demands of the holiday season, the excitement of a new career gig & a love life that has been absolutely nothing like I expected it to be.

Once life slows down...I shall return to posting bloggy goodness.

Until then may the sun shine on you enough to warm your cockles.

*whatever the hell those are*

Friday, November 25, 2005


I'm playing Uno with my five year old & he is appropriately calling out colors & numbers in Spanish.

*uno smart chico*

58 Thank You's

I am stealing this idea directly from Michelle over at Smoochdog and like Michelle, I generated my number over at the Random Number Generator.

1. I am thankful for peanut butter which is a staple in my diet. I eat it nearly every day and although it really isn't anything of any substance, it is probably my all-time favorite food.

2. I am thankful for deoderant, particularly the deoderant that I keep in my desk drawer at the office. It comes in handy on those days that I realize I forgot to put some on before I left the house. I bet I have co-workers that are grateful for it too.

3. I am grateful for technology. It powers so many things in my daily life from the cell phone that I talk on to the computer that I write on. Technology connects me to information, ideas and all of you. It also runs my coffee pot which makes me a better person each and every day. Perks aplenty.

4. I am thankful for people that make me laugh every single day like Scott Adams. I still think he is stalking me but I'm thankful for his humor nonetheless.

5. I am grateful for ice packs particularly on mornings that I slept funny and wake up with a kink in my neck. Whoever invented ice packs should have a statue erected in their honor.

6. I am grateful for nail clippers because if we didn't have them what would be the alternative? Biting them off? That's just gross.

7. I am grateful for Monkey the cat and the fact that he stays off my counters and doesn't climb all over everything. Cat hair next to the sugar bowl does nothing for me. It's nice that he and I are on the same page about that.

8. I am grateful for Outlaw the Steel Bladder Dog for having a steel bladder, a winning personality and enough love for a stadium full of people. His always wagging tail sometimes drives me a little batty *whap*whap*whap* but in the grand scheme of things, I wouldn't have him any other way.

9. I am thankful that I have the ability to find good in things, even shitty things and things that are not fun or sexy. I have seen people that dwell on the negative and I am grateful to not be one of them.

10. I am thankful for sunshine. It is always beautiful, even when it is too cold to be outside in it.

11. I am thankful for blooming flowers, green grass, falling leaves and snow. Seasons are a beautiful thing and Mother Earth makes it all possible. I am thankful for Mother Earth.

12. I am thankful for glitter glue. Because of its existence I don't have to clean up piles of glitter off my floor and dog when the kids are doing art projects.

13. I am thankful for emoticons because I think they add a little personality to the written word. *<|:-)

14. I am thankful for paperclips. When ya need one they are just so damn handy.

15. I am thankful for my mother for a more reasons than I could ever list here. She loves unconditionally, is bright, funny and wise in ways I can only hope to be. She has been the best female role model I could ever have hoped for and as a bonus she doesn't wreck shit at my house like another parent that I have.

16. I am oddly grateful to my father for wrecking shit at my house and being unpredictably quirky. He is my very own Big Fish.

17. I am grateful for my siblings - my sister for being the best aunt in the world to my kids and my brother for being so consistently level-headed and always funny. Having good siblings makes family gatherings so much better.

18. I am thankful for my neice who has stopped calling me "Uncle Kathy" and is correctly referring to me as her aunt.

19. I am thankful for music. I believe the sounds that fill our lives also fill our souls.

20. I am thankful for meditation. Somedays it is good to think of nothing for a little while.

21. I am thankful for the word Kazoofus. As a child I would have never imagined that this made up word would change the landscape of my life. One small word, one amazing impact. Priceless.

22. I am thankful for clocks that help me be on time. The one on my puter is telling me I need to get in the shower and head to my mom's now. I guess I'll finish this list later tonight.

23. I am thankful for full service gas stations on cold winter days.

24. I am thankful that my children get to know their great-grandma. She was a light in my life as a child and she is a light in theirs as well.

25. I am thankful for the KathyHowe Ex-Boyfriend Club. Three quality men that have positively impacted my life. I am grateful for their continued humor, wisdom, charm and support. Without them I wouldn't be who or where I am today.

26. I am grateful for warm fires, cozy throw blankets and overstuffed pillows.

27. I am grateful for toothpaste. Seriously, can you imagine going without it? Blech.

28. I am grateful for my ability to know when I have to listen to my intuition. The ability to trust that crazy little voice in my head doesn't always come easy but I usually know when I need to do it.

29. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned in 2005, particularly my newfound knowledge that sometimes I need to trust my heart even when what it tells me makes no sense at all.

30. I am thankful for magic. The ability to make wonderful things happen and to recognize them when they do is a wonderful thing. It isn't hocus pocus yaknow.

31. I am thankful for turtleneck sweaters. I live in Minnesota and if you lived here you'd be thankful for them too.

32. I am thankful for whoever built my house. They put the washer/dryer upstairs near the bedrooms. Brilliant.

33. I am thankful for my leather furniture which doesn't attract pet hair.

34. I am thankful for people like Oprah Winfrey, Oriah Mountain Dreamer and Maya Angelou for being constant sources of inspiration. The world is a better place because of people like them.

35. I am grateful for the people that know what a total pain in the ass I can be at times but love and support me anyways.

36. I am grateful for my kitchen full of FiestaWare that my mom purchased for me. They are happy dishes - bright, colorful and fun. Everything looks good on happy plates. Love 'em.

37. I am grateful that my new mailbox hasn't been mowed down by a maniac driver yet.

38. I am grateful for the "Save Draft" feature on Blogger because this list is taking longer than expected to write.

39. I am grateful for lotion. Dry, itchy skin is no fun at all.

40. I am grateful for camera phones because if it weren't for mine we wouldn't have any pictures of Thanksgiving 2005.

41. I am thankful for all of my Naturalizer shoes. Stylish and comfortable. What more could a girl ask for?

42. I am thankful that my kids love school. It thrills me to no end that they are excited about their school days.

43. I am thankful that I know how to be mature and responsible without sacrificing the playful kid at heart that lives within me.

44. I am thankful for Dino's Pizza and Hoagies. They always give me a discount even though I never have coupons with me. It pays to be a regular customer.

45. At the moment I am pretty darn grateful that the Random Number Generator didn't give me a number higher than 58.

46. I am thankful for moments of total clarity.

47. I am thankful that despite all the ups and downs of love and romance in my life, it is still possible to make me blush.

48. I am thankful for those with a heart as big as the outdoors. You know who you are.

49. I am thankful for all of the people that work in my community especially the ones that make shopping at their stores, getting gas at their stations and eatting in their restaurants an outstanding experience.

50. I am thankful for my debt. In a roundabout way it brought me peace, joy and freedom. Someday the debt will be gone but I'll never give up my rediscovered self ever again.

51. I am thankful for laughter. Is there any sound better than a laugh?

52. I am thankful for traditions and religions that make it possible for me to believe in myself as much as I believe in things higher and more powerful than I will ever fully comprehend.

53. I am thankful for quarters because standing at the vending machine putting a fistful of nickels and dimes into the machine takes for-freaking-ever. Four quarters and I'm done.

54. I am thankful for bottled water. So handy.

55. I am thankful that people trust me enough to open up to me. It is a special honor to be trusted with someones heart.

56. I am thankful for the following lyrics from ColdPlay's song Square One: "You're in control is there anywhere you want to go? You're in control is there anything you want to know? The future's for discovering the space in which we're travelling." I've listened to that song a thousand times. Today is the first time I really heard it. The future is for discovering, people...what are you waiting for?

57. I am thankful for Friday nights with a house full of kids even when they aren't all actually mine.

58. I am thankful.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Up on a pedestal.

I don't know if you ever click through my comments to read the blogs of my commenters but allow me to take a second to introduce you all to biz.

She is an incredible writer - unlike anyone I have ever read before. She has a special gift for making me think more deeply about things. If you haven't read her you should because you are missing out on wisdom and insight that I've never found anyplace else.

Her most recent post on emotional baggage just left me dazzled...but most of her posts do.

Go now...I double dog dare ya.


I talked to my friend last night and he received his test results yesterday afternoon. He has essentially been given a clean bill of health although the scan did show something that could be scar tissue or the results of 20 years of smoking. The doctor couldn't really be sure at this point what it was but he did not feel that it is anything to be worried about. He suggested my friend come back for another scan in about 6 months to see if there is any change.

The unknown doesn't sit well with him but after talking to his sister (head of the center of disease control for a major hospital) and his brother (a doctor), I think he is feeling better with the results. I told him I thought he had a better chance of being off'd by a runaway train and should be more concerned about being in the vicinity of railroad tracks.

But I'm a Business Analyst - what do I know?

Thanks for all the well wishes yesterday. I am a big believer in the power of positive thoughts and while they can't magically make things go away, they sure can make things feel better.

I have to respond to biz's comment: Glad you have each other - that's so cool!

This friend is someone I have known for a long time. I know I talk a lot about The Boy here but this is someone that I have also been close to for many years. When I became a single parent he became my role model for how I wanted to path my life as a single person with small children. He has also repeatedly been my voice of reason and source of humor and inspiration when times were tough. He was my source of calm when I felt out of control. I have written about him here on Kazoofus in the past - the archives are offline now but he has been referred to as The Date and My Secret Crush - names that are likely familiar to long time readers. He is someone that I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for, someone that has been there a million times for me - in good times and in bad. He is someone that I plan to keep around forever.

I've said this before: I'm incredibly lucky. I know so many amazing people and I am so grateful for every one of them. I sometimes feel like I live a charmed life - how did I end up as fortunate as I am?

I have wonderful, bright, healthy, happy kids.

I have a home that I love.

I have family that is there for me again and again to laugh with and love.

I have friends that rock my world every single day.

I have a career that is better than anything I never imagined possible.

I have good health.

I have joy.

I have more than I ever dreamed of.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my readers - lurkers, commenters, friends and family. Have a safe and joyous holiday.

Love to you all,
Kathy Howe

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Please don't deck the Howe's.

I know it isn't even Thanksgiving yet but I just found my favorite Christmas song of all time on my computer. I've now got it set to repeat.

All I Want For Christmas Is You, by Mariah Carey

I won't ask for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for snow
I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe...

(Guess who is dancing in her desk chair right now?)

It's been a long damn 45 minutes

One of my very good friends has been waiting for 3pm to roll around so he can get the results of a lung scan he had done this week.

He has been a damn nervous wreck all day today. We've had precisely one trillion-bajillion emails between us today - I'm doing my damndest to distract him to pass the time.

At 3 o'clock he stopped emailing me. I suspect he got on the phone to get his results 3pm on the dot.

When do IIIIIIIIIIII get the results?

Suspense kills Kathy Howe. Full story at ten.


Stoopid oven

I want a bumper sticker that says:

"I do all my cooking in the bedroom."

Monday, November 21, 2005

Crying: it's not just for wet, hungry babies anymore.

I got this from a co-worker today after I told him I'm leaving the company for a new position:

"I will definitely keep in contact with you. You are a beautiful person, both professionally and personally."

Tissue break

I said this was a bittersweet departure, didn't I?

Status report

The KathyHowe Dating Project continues to progress nicely although the demands of being in demand have left the project manager (me) a wee tiny bit sleepy.

The project achieved a significant milestone in that the project manager has realized that not every man needs to be maimed upon sight or sound. This was an unexpected discovery and the impact on the project appears to be positive.

More updates will be available as the project progresses or after the project manager take a nap.

Whichever happens first.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Q&A with your host, Kathy Howe

Michelle asked me a question in my comments recently and I thought I would respond for everyone.

She said:
"Was The Boy a boyfriend before TLMS or is The Boy just a friend. If The Boy is just a friend and has not been tried on for size yet I might suggest (may I offer unsolicited advice?) that you guys match yourselves up. Sounds like a good one could be looming there."

I say...

Not too long ago I actually wrote a post about The Boy. Lets see if I can expand on that and answer the question more directly.

The Boy and I have known eachother nearly half my life. I've known TLMS since about August of this year. They are two different people. I think sometimes people are confused by this so I just wanted to make that really clear.

The Boy and I have suffered through marriages, deaths and divorces together. We've celebrated birthday's, babies and uhhhh...divorces together as well. Thick and thin, baby...we've been through so much a friends.

The Boy and I did date eachother years ago and our break up went something like this:

Him: Are you in love with me?

Her: Define love.

Him: If I asked you to marry me...that kind of love. Do you?

Her: No. Not like that. But I do love you. It's just a different love though.

Him: Yeah, me too. I can't really put my finger on why but I don't really want to be in a relationship anymore. As much as I like you, I don't like you like that.

Her: Thank god. I totally agree.

Him: But I still want us to be friends.

Her: Me too. Pass the popcorn and start the movie.

It was the most uneventful break-up in the history of the world. We went from friends to sleeping together to friends in the blink of an eye.

The Boy and I have a fantastic relationship but it is a relationship that is friendship, not romance. There is no attraction to one another romantically. We don't understand it, we've analyzed the hell out of it and we can't really offer up any good explanations for why it is the way it is with us.

If we wanted to be together, if we felt that way about eachother, we'd be together. But we don't. So we aren't.

It's just that simple.

Sometimes people think that The Boy is just "filler" for me until I find someone to spend the rest of my life with. Or vice versa. That could not be further from the truth. The Boy isn't going anywhere ever. It is true that he has been known to fade into the background so I can explore new relationships but he will never be sent away packing because I've "replaced" him.

He cannot be replaced.

That would be like expecting me to give up my friendship with Rella, or Denise or any of my other gal pals because I found a man.

Not gonna happen.

And as a side note, here is a perfect example of why he's one of my best friends.

Earlier today we were on the phone and out of nowhere he says, "You have this amazing energy about you - a bright aura. You are contagious. If we could bottle you we would be rich." sure didn't suck to hear that.

I have the best best friend in the whole entire world.

So hopefully that answers your question, Michelle! Thanks for asking.

Anyone else got anything they would like to ask?

Wake me up before you go-go...

This week has been insane. Not bad. Just insane. Insanely busy really and here we are at Thursday and I am absolutely beat.

Around lunchtime today a friend of mine called me but I missed his call. On my voicemail was just a quick message, first letting me know it is dogdamncold outside but then sharing his very good day with me. It was just a brief upbeat, life is good, "I'm having a great day and thought I'd share it with you" voicemail. I didn't even get any details as to WHY his day is so great.

I smiled the entire time I listened to the message. How cool. I could actually feel his energy and excitement coming through the phone.

I've been dragging all day really but that was truly a nice little perk to my day.

Spreading good cheer...what a great idea.

What are you spreading around today?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

You can stop talking - I'm perfectly capable of finishing your sentences for you.

Everyone here is familiar with The Boy right?

We have been friends for about half my life.

Best friends really.

There are days when he drives me completely batshit.

I am certain that the reverse is never true.

That said, most days, he rocks my world.

We've been talking a lot more lately.

I've been trying to do a better job of picking up the phone more than once a week.

Part of me feels like since I returned to the dating world I have neglected that friendship a bit.

I feel bad about it.

So I asked him if he feels neglected.

And he said a little.


That hurt.

But he's right.

So like I said, I've been making a bigger effort to talk to him.

It's not like talking to him sucks.

He makes me laugh hysterically.

He knows my secrets.

He finishes my damn sentences.

I told him that I'm putting him on my calendar.

We haven't seen eachother since...uhhhh...jebus...early summer, maybe spring?

God that is awful.

In December I'm going to spend an entire Saturday hanging out with my one of my best friends on the entire planet.

I can hardly wait.


It's not even 7:30 am and I've already been in and out of one ditch.

What are you doing this morning?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005



2. My son, at the ripe ol' age of five, has discovered that my laundry and his are washed together and this is grossing him out more than slimey snails and slippery snakes.

3. My daughter has a memory defect this week. She can only remember what I say when it is of significant interest to her.

4. Why don't chopsticks have little forks on one end?

5. Over the weekend Mr. Incredible gave me a bachelor cleaning tip: spray lemon scented pledge in your house for that just cleaned smell. That's great but I need to know the hot bachelor tip for hiding the dog hair and muddy foot prints that go from the back door to the dining room.

6. The amount of paperwork that two children can accumulate in a single school day is mind boggling. I feel the need to plant a tree right now.

7. All day today when I looked at the clock I would catch it at times like: 1:11 and 2:22. Does that mean I'm about to get lucky?

8. [This space left intentionally blank. Give me a number 8.]

EEK!! Horror-scope's are scarey!

November 15, 2005
Are you technically single, but very deeply involved with someone, Kathy? If so, don't be surprised if today you receive a proposal of marriage. Events over the past few days have brought you very close together, and have greatly intensified the bond between you. Your partner may want to legalize that bond. Do you? If there is even the smallest doubt, give yourself some time to think. Acting on impulse is not a good idea right now.


Marriage proposals are not being accepted today.

Thank you,
The Management

Long live Ferris Bueller

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."
~Ferris Bueller, Ferris Buellers Day Off

The other day I noted something important had happened but what I didn't mention was that in reality, two important things had happened. I can now safely tell you about the second important event in my life.

drumroll please

I'm leaving my current client for a new opportunity.

It's an exciting opportunity at a local software development company. It came to me when I wasn't looking for something new. It turned out to be a great position that I just couldn't pass up.

I'm still essentially in the same line of work (consulting in and around project management and business analysis) but this is a senior level position developing new processes, procedures and documentation for a function within the company that doesn't officially exist in any formal capacity. I'll also be charged with formal business analysis and possibly some project management in the beginning. This is a group that has gaps right now and as they grow and stablize they need someone to help fill gaps and get new processes in place.

They want a method to their madness.

I'm excited as hell but a little sad to be leaving my current client. This place has been exceptionally good to me and I have met INCREDIBLE people here. It's a bittersweet departure.

That said, life is short, kids. I think it's important to live life to its absolute fullest, take some chances and enjoy it or like Ferris said...we could miss it.

And I don't want to miss anything.

It's amazes me that just when I think my life can't possibly be any better, it gets better. All the time, every day it just keeps improving and that is a damn cool thing.

Sometimes I feel like I live a charmed life. I'm incredibly blessed but I wouldn't be where I am today if I didn't insist on always doing what I love - personally and professionally.

Rella said something to me yesterday that applies here:

"You only live once. Be honest and true to your heart and feelings. You'll make the right decisions."

I'd like to add that being honest and true to yourself is oooooooohhhhhh soooooooooooo worth it.

Don't just sit there...LIVE!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Amusement Park

There is something cozy & nice about listening to your friend, who happens to be a fantastic cook, tell you what he's making his kids for dinner.

*mmmm...four course meal....*

The moment switches to wildly amusing when you hear your friends smoke detector go off during the conversation.


Resisting bedtime hits an asstronomical new low.

Boo just told me he is very interested in learning about his body. He then asked if he could stay up late tonight to practice drawing butt bones.

I told him he could brush up on butt bone art in the morning. He then retreated to his bedroom, attempted an unsupervised handstand on his bed and fell onto his own butt bone on the floor with a very loud crash and cry.

I'm guessing his art will be shades of black & blue tomorrow.

Life Lessons

I have learned that it is possible to burn a microwaveable lasagna.

Garfield the cat wouldn't like living in my house.

What have you learned recently?


Praise Jesus Hubert Christ Superstar...Zazzafooky has done it again. Gospel music for the kewl kids.

I know a place
I'll take you there
Ain't nobody worried
I'll take you there

Get on over and get your Jesus on.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Greg Behrendt, I could kiss you right now.

If you live in a cave and haven't heard of Greg Behrendt let me just tell you he is the best thing to happen to dating since...well...since I don't know what. He rocks. So does his book. Trust me on this one.

Greg says: "If a (sane) guy really likes you, there ain't nothing that's going to get in his way."

I'm learning the truth of that statement more and more every day as I get to know Mr. Incredible better and better.

I always had this idea in my head that being crazy in love was a two way street. I felt like my perfect guy would be dogdamn tripping over himself to be with me just as I would be tripping over myself to spend time with him. Someone once told me that was a fantasy - never gonna happen. To that someone I say:


I've mentioned this before: Mr. Incredible and I have known eachother for awhile now and we hit it off immediately when we met. I have also mentioned that several months ago he let me know how he really feels about me and that I promptly did my very best chicken impression and ran clucking the other way:

I don't date, you live a bajillion miles away and if you let me keep talking I'll come up with 100 more excuses.

What I found out Thursday is the magnatude of Greg's words, "...there ain't nothing that's going to get in his way." There are details that I won't reveal here but I will say this:

Mr. Incredible found a perfect balance between persistance and patience with me to get us to where we are today. I think fairly early on he realized KathyHowe is the MASTER at building polite walls between herself and the single menfolk of the world. He set his mind to taking down that wall, one brick at a time.

I now know that months ago as his feelings for me developed he created a vision in his head of what he wanted his life to look like. He included me and two adorable little rugrats in that vision then started working towards making that reality. On the surface he took no for an answer from me but behind the scenes he has been making plans and actually making significant changes in his life to get towards his vision.

Never pushing me, never pressuring me, always supporting me he has been waiting patiently for me to WAKE THE HELL UP.

He is TRIPPING over himself to be with me.

Every single day he tells me that all he wants to do is make me happy.

Every single day he tells me that he wants us to have a future together.

Every single day he tells me he wants to be with me.

Every single day he tells me he misses me.

Something important has happened. I found out that my idea of being crazy in love maybe isn't so crazy after all. I have discovered what it feels like to be on the receiving end of unlimited care and affection. I have a new vision of teamwork and partnership. I had an amaaaaaaaaazing first date with Mr. Incredible and I want to have another and another and another and another.

It all seems so much better than I imagined it would be.

I want to tell you all about every detail of our time together but I don't even know where to begin. It was FANTASTIC. Every minute we were together left me happier and more satisfied than the minute before.

If I'm dreaming, close the door and tell the kids to pipe down...I don't wanna wake up.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Sneaking suspicions confirmed

I was right about yesterday.

More on why it was important a little later on.

(How's that for a tease?)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

An open letter

This is addressed to the ass clowns that designed where highway 55 meets highway 62:

You suck.

A good swift kick in the kazoofus to ya,

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Last night I had a dream that someone I know died. I'm not going to say who it was but I will say that the first thing I did when I woke up was check their blog for a death announcement just in case. I'm happy to say that all appears to be well with my friend.

I tend to analyze a good number of my dreams as well as the dreams of Boo and Sissy Bear. I think that dreams tend to provide good insight to what is happening in our waking worlds. There are some dreams that I just don't even bother with though. I think some are for entertainment purposes more than anything.

Last nights dream had me a bit rattled despite the fact that I am well aware of what death symbolizes in dreams. For me death dreams represent change more than anything else.

Right now there are a lot of changes or potential changes coming my way. Relationship changes (wave hello Mr. Incredible) and possibly career changes as well. The changes are all very positive and I'm excited to see how everything plays out. Time will tell, time will tell.

What are you dreaming about these days?

I read an article on dating as a single parent today. It specifically talks about how to introduce the idea that you have a dating life to your children. Me dating is not something my kids have ever known about in fact my son has no memory of my marriage to his father. He knows me, alone, single mom, full-time dedicated to him and his sister.

Introducing the concept of dating to them obviously was not an issue when I was on the dating hiatus, but Kathy Howe times are changing. While I have no intention of introducing Mr. Incredible to the kids just yet, they are aware of his existence in my life. I think my approach with the kids was really validated by the article that I read this morning.

I made it clear to the kids that it is important for me to get to know Mr. Incredible better before I bring him into their lives. I told them that I am optimistic that one day they will meet him but the reality is that maybe they never will. It really is too soon to tell.

Since letting them know about my relationship with him they have asked me a lot of questions on the subject. I think not having a face to put with the name, having never formally met him, makes them more comfortable with being very frank with me about what they think, feel and wonder about me dating. Considering their young ages we have had some really good conversations on the topic. I feel really good about my decision to introduce the existence of Mr. Incredible to my kids. I think for a lot of reasons it was absolutely the right thing to do.

"It is not always what we know or analyzed before we make a decision that makes it a great decision. It is what we do after we make the decision to implement and execute it that makes it a good decision."
~William Pollard (The Soul of the Firm)

Have you ever woke up and felt like for reasons you may or may not fully understand that this would be an important day in your life? You might not win the lottery but something of some significance would happen that would change you and/or your life path.

I woke up with that feeling.

So I'm puttering about my day, status quo in many regards, wondering if there is something of significance waiting for me around the next corner.

I'll keep ya'all posted.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Murphy's Law #5,792

The kids will destroy the house faster than you can clean it if you are preparing for company.

*Maybe it isn't Mr. Incredible that needs to be tied to a bed.*

Commitments, Mickey Gilley & Mr. Incredible

I recently received this quote from Morning Mantra - which absolutely rocks by the way so if you haven't subscribed - for shame....for shame...

"There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results."
~Art Turock

I love it when I see people out in the world that are so committed to doing something that despite the roadblocks, they just keep pushing forward to achieve their goals.

There are extreme human examples of this like Kyle Maynard who I saw on Extreme Home Makeover *swoons over Ty Pennington* last Sunday. Talk about an amazing example of commitment. But there are also people in the world with less than extraordinary circumstances but their commitment to thier children, work, marriages, community is astounding.

The act of committing to something is impressive. Doesn't matter how big or small it may seem.

What are you committed to?

Last night I had a dream that I was hired to drive Mickey Gilley from Minnesota to Nashville. I've never been to Nashville in my life, never been hired to drive anyone but somehow through a friend of a friend of a friend I was asked to do the job. In the dream Mickey was against airplanes and tour buses so we made the trip in a Mini Cooper.

The trip was completely uneventful, we just had good conversation along the way. Turns out Mickey has quite the witty sense of humor and we got along quite well. I was a little surprised at his diverse taste in music. We listened to as much hip hop as we did country music. It was a little unnerving the first time I heard him singing along with Black-Eyed Peas.

My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump...check it out...

When we got to Nashville I got to meet his girlfriend. She was stunning, an absolute knock out and very friendly. We met her at a restaurant and as we left she went to get in her car which apparently didn't have reverse on it. So this glittery babe in heals tosses her hoopty into NEUTRAL and pushes it back out of the spot while Mickey and I looked on. I offered to help and she let out a friendly and heavily accented, "You are such a peach but I got this honey...I've been doing this for years."



So Mickey and I left and I dropped him off at his house. As I was leaving he asked me if I wanted to move in. "Nothing sexual" he explained. He went on to say that he thought it would be a "hoot" to have me about.

I thanked him and told him no but told him to keep in touch anyways. He told me I could keep the Mini Cooper which would be a damn dream come true.

Then I woke up because one of the cherubs flushed the toilet.

Today I have a lot going on and some of it is in preparation for Mr. Incredible's arrival. My plan is to convince him that Minnesota is wonderful and he wants to move here as quickly as possible or if that doesn't work out plan B is to just tie him to my bed. But before that, cleaning and errands.

Didn't I just clean this house?

So that is what's shaking in this neck of the woods. If anyone wants to take a shot at analyzing the Mickey Gilley dream please do.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I have got to start checking my inter-office mail more often.

Last month I got a candy gram and today I found a Project Manager care package in my office mailbox.

Why doesn't anyone ever send me beer?

Oh wait...never mind...

Excel geeks, UNITE!

I'm working on a spreadsheet that has a lot of Y's, X's and other miscellaneous characters used in various fields. Today I'm tasked with trying to figure out the formula to add up all the Y's in a column or all the X's in a row.

Any ideas?

Monday, November 07, 2005

I dazzle myself

It wouldn't be a kid-free weekend if I didn't wreck myself physically in one way or another. I could list probably ten points of pain right now caused from all of the overzealous KathyHowe housekeeping that went on this weekend.

I think the one that is really causing me the most grief is the pinched nerve in my back.

I was tolerating it OK until I attempted to lift a cup of coffee in my left hand this morning. It shot an arrow of pain to that very tender spot.


Thank dog I can still lift with my right hand.

Maybe later I can tell you about my not so jolly experience with buying and burying wood this weekend.

For the mailbox you perves.

Happy Monday everyone!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Please pardon the dust


Do not attempt to vaccuum up baking soda.


My vaccuum cleaner just hurled a cloud of white powder into the room.

Let this be a lesson for all of us.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

I can't believe I live for my weekends.

I sure hope my sister's cat doesn't run away this weekend. Boy...that sure would be a bummer. When she gets home I'd have to buy her a new cat, one that doesn't chase after me, pee on my laundry room floor, attack things for no reason whatsoever or climb on every single thing in sight.

I think it's safe to say that it's the peeing that really has me over the top right now. I'm going to have to replace the floor. It's wrecked and it reeks like cat piss in my entire house. I'm half tempted to rip it out now but I think it is probably best to wait for the cat to meet its demise down an old well go home.

I'm not really a very happy camper about this cat sitting thing right now. My sister will feel terrible when she finds out that her cat has gone missing is not getting along well in the Howe household.

And because my day can only get better...

I woke up this morning to find that overnight my mailbox was once again run down by some maniac driver that can't seem to spot the reflective stickers plastered across it. I patch this thing up about every three months to get it to stay upright but this last hit was a doozey and I think I'm going to have to figure out how to formally install a new one this weekend.

I wonder if they make them out of steel because I would be sickly amused to find a car wrapped around my mailbox some day.

And here's a question for you: Have you ever run into someone's mailbox? I haven't but I think if I did I would at least leave a note and offer to pay to replace it.

No sense of personal accountability...that is my issue with society today.

I also have to take care of the bees nest that has developed in my crawlspace. Ok, I confess: it developed there like two months ago but I don't go down there enough to care so I left it alone. Now the bees are finding their way upstairs so unless I see them directly headed towards Trooper I'm thinking there is no benefit to having them about my abode.


On the list this weekend is a lot of housekeeping. You can't even walk through my garage anymore - The Notorious SUV just barely fits. I'm not sure what happened but I have to get it cleaned up because it is driving me wacky. I also need to wash windows because when I sprayed the house in a layer of poison last month it mucked up my nice view. I left it like that thinking the film of poison would keep the box elder bugs at bay. I do believe my masterful plan has worked.

It's time to see what my backyard looks like again.

I also have general indoor housekeeping to do. This week was so busy - unusually so. We had something going on every single night which is very out of the ordinary for us. The house could use a little TLC, dusting and mopping.

So there you have it. The life and times of Kathy Howe, dated November 5th, 2005. What's your life looking like today?

Friday, November 04, 2005

One of us is more of a Trooper than the other.

My sister's cat Trooper is here.

He's been here since Wednesday & is staying until mid-next week.

I sure hope I don't kill him by then because he's on my last damn nerve.

*I will never complain about my cat again. I will never complain about my cat again. I will never complain about my cat again...*

Under oath

*raises right hand*

I KathyHowe, do solemnly swear not to ever intentionally give any of my boyfriends food poisoning.

Pinky swear.

Planning for Operation Love Me Tender is well underway. I suppose one of these days I'll need to come up with a name for him here on Kazoofus but nothing perfect has struck me as of yet so stay tuned. I was thinking about going with "The Last Man Tied To My Bed" but that would be projecting a bit considering we haven't had our first date yet.

For now lets just call him Incredible.

One of the things that has transpired related to our first date is that we originally planned something for mid-November and while that is still very much on the calendar, we kinda lucked out and were able to squeeze in an earlier date to get together.

So, instead of our first date being in his neck of the woods, it will be in mine. Which means I need to feed him (egads!) and amuse him (dog save me).

My last boyfriend (wave hello TLMS) taught me how to make twice baked potatos so maybe I can remember how to do that. What he didn't teach me how to do was inspect salad for e-coli though so I might skip the bag of lettuce this time. I think trips to the E.R. can really put a damper on an otherwise great first date.

I wonder if Incredible likes cheese pizza.

I know many of you are on the edge of your seats longing for more details on the date and who this guy is. I know, cuz ya'all keep emailing me. So here goes my take on Incredible:

I've known him for awhile now, we met through a client project once upon a time. When we met, we hit it off immediately even though we didn't meet face to face for several months. He once told me that when he first met me in person he was "struck" by me. Apparently I light up a room as well as I light up conference calls.

He is very bright, incredibly funny, loaded with integrity, totally optimistic, super open-minded and an AMAZING communicator. He has a great voice - he could be on the radio with that voice. His interests are very much in line with mine, we have similar past experiences, the same future goals and enough mutual respect flowing between us to float a fleet of ships. He has always treated me very well. He opens my doors, carries my bags and tells me many times a day how much he likes me.

He absolutely rocks my world.

His admission of how he felt about me, which took place a few months ago, was stunning and flattering all at the same time. The feeling was most definitely mutual but we had a couple of roadblocks to dating at that point.

1. The famous Kathy Howe Dating Hiatus was in place (aka Single By Design, don't fuck with my design).


2. Location. We do not live in the same state.

Shortly after TLMS and I decided to be really great friends forever and ever amen, I crossed paths with Incredible again. We hadn't talked in several months and it was a lot of fun to reconnect with him. He/we re-iterated that we are interested in one another but we still have this pesky location issue. I let him know that the dating hiatus was no longer in place and that I had in fact just split up with TLMS. I let him know that I wasn't sure now was the time for he and I to pursue a relationship considering the rather recent break-up.

The word "rebound" kept popping into my head. I also kept wondering what is the right thing to do? Should I spend X number of days or weeks at home being miserable grieving the break-up with TLMS or should I dust myself off and give dating another try.

I talked to a couple friends about it and carefully considered my decision before deciding to pursue Operation Love Me Tender with Incredible. I don't want to hurt anyone here. Not TLMS, not Incredible and certainly not myself in all of this.

Here are the things that facilitated my decision to go forward with Incredible:

1. He and I have always had really great communication and it just keeps getting better and better. I have been 100% open and honest with him about TLMS and all of my thoughts and feelings around that and everything else that is swimming in my head these days. He has absolutely supported me and offered to give me all the time I need and put the control of this into my hands. I believe his words were "we'll go at your pace."

2. The advice from my friends was unanimous. GO FOR IT! Live, KathyHowe, LIVE! They supported the idea that I get back out there and see what the dating world has to offer once again.

3. This may sound stupid but I considered the feelings of TLMS. I wondered how he would feel if I returned to the dating hiatus. How would he feel if I implemented a grieving period and sat at home crying into perfectly good beers over our break up? I decided he would feel like an ass. I knew in my heart as much as I knew in my head that he would absolutely want me to get back out there.

So I said yes to Incredible and Operation Love Me Tender began to progress. It has been such fun getting to know him better and planning for our upcoming time together. He makes me laugh every day and makes me feel like I'm the best thing that ever happened to him.

OH! Do you want to know something cool that happened to me this week related to all of this?

This week I received an email from TLMS and this email is a perfect example of why we are friends. He told me he read about Operation Love Me Tender here on Kazoofus and that he is happy for me. His words:

"You did your time in divorce hell, you deserve to be happy."

Is it any wonder why I think he is great? I don't know that I needed his "blessing" so to speak but it sure did feel good to get it. It was almost a freeing feeling to get his support.

I have the best ex-boyfriends a girl could ever hope for.

And so here I go again giving love another chance and I'm excited as hell about it. Who knew dating could be this much fun? I feel like I'm kind of on a cloud these days. Is this really my life? Is it really this great to be in a relationship with someone? It all seems way too good to be true.

Pinch me, amigos. I think I'm dreaming.

Just a suggestion

I don't recommend parking 7 blocks away from your office then at the end of the day leaving your keys on your desk. The second you get to the car and realize what you have done you will have effectively ruined your usually chipper mood.

This also does not have a positive impact on your usually timely arrivals to pick up the cherubs from daycare.

I also don't recommend that you do all of this while wearing these.


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Prepare for take off!

Operation Love Me Tender has been rescheduled and will now take flight an entire week earlier!


Hunting instructor

I'm no expert but I would imagine my owl buddy would catch more mice if he did a little less hooting.

Isn't the trick to not draw attention to yourself?

What are the hunting strategies of an owl?

Is he wearing blaze orange?

Does Monkey the Cat hunt in the same woods?

Better yet, can Monkey hunt me up an owl?

*This is what I get for not sleeping with the ceiling fan on high*

Wise old ass

There is an owl behind my house right now.

I'm not super digging owls at the moment.

Doesn't he know silence is golden?

*wise my ass*

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

There's a bright side to everything

The upside to having a queen size bed to yourself is that when you are too tired to fold the towels on the end of it they can just get shoved to the unused side of the bed.

I wanna kiss you all over

Goodness gracious she's done it again.

More great tunes from TJ at Zazzafooky.

Boogie on over there, babe.

Dammit there isn't any cheesecake listed.

One of my girlfriends sent me an email called the Dessert Test which I thought was kind of fun. Later on I'll add to the comments what I selected.

Ready? Set? PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If all of the desserts listed below were sitting in front of you, which would you choose? Once you make your selection scroll down to see what Psychiatrists think about you.

1. Angel Food Cake

2. Brownies

3. Lemon Meringue

4. Vanilla cake with Chocolate Icing

5. Strawberry Short Cake

6. Chocolate on Chocolate

7. Ice Cream

8. Carrot Cake

No fair peeking...

Did you decide yet? are the answers:

1. ANGEL FOOD CAKE...Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy
items.. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at
the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and immature at

2. BROWNIES...You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion of
underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up, you whip out
your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and
direction. You tend to be very loyal.

3. LEMON MERINGUE...Smooth, sexy, &articulate with your hands, you are an
excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don't try to walk
and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, but you have many

4. VANILLA CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE ICING...Fun-loving, sassy, humorous. Not
very grounded in life; very indecisive and lack motivation. Everyone
being around you, but you are a practical joker. Others should be cautious
in making you mad. However, you are a friend for life.

5. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE...Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other
people, can be counted on in a pinch and expect the same in return.
Intuitively keen. Can be very emotional.

6. CHOCOLATE ON CHOCOLATE...Sexy; always ready to give and receive. Very
creative, venturous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have a
cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances. Will
not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.

7. ICE CREAM...You like sports, whether it be baseball, football,
basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but
you enjoy watching sports. You don't like to give up the remote control.
You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.

8. CARROT CAKE...You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh.
You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very
warm hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal