I am stealing this idea directly from Michelle over at
Smoochdog and like Michelle, I generated my number over at the
Random Number Generator.
1. I am thankful for peanut butter which is a staple in my diet. I eat it nearly every day and although it really isn't anything of any substance, it is probably my all-time favorite food.
2. I am thankful for deoderant, particularly the deoderant that I keep in my desk drawer at the office. It comes in handy on those days that I realize I forgot to put some on before I left the house. I bet I have co-workers that are grateful for it too.
3. I am grateful for technology. It powers so many things in my daily life from the cell phone that I talk on to the computer that I write on. Technology connects me to information, ideas and all of you. It also runs my coffee pot which makes me a better person each and every day.
Perks aplenty.4. I am thankful for people that make me laugh every single day like
Scott Adams. I still think he is stalking me but I'm thankful for his humor nonetheless.
5. I am grateful for ice packs particularly on mornings that I slept funny and wake up with a kink in my neck. Whoever invented ice packs should have a statue erected in their honor.
6. I am grateful for nail clippers because if we didn't have them what would be the alternative? Biting them off? That's just gross.
7. I am grateful for Monkey the cat and the fact that he stays off my counters and doesn't climb all over everything. Cat hair next to the sugar bowl does nothing for me. It's nice that he and I are on the same page about that.
8. I am grateful for Outlaw the Steel Bladder Dog for having a steel bladder, a winning personality and enough love for a stadium full of people. His always wagging tail sometimes drives me a little batty
*whap*whap*whap* but in the grand scheme of things, I wouldn't have him any other way.
9. I am thankful that I have the ability to find good in things, even shitty things and things that are not fun or sexy. I have seen people that dwell on the negative and I am grateful to not be one of them.
10. I am thankful for sunshine. It is always beautiful, even when it is too cold to be outside in it.
11. I am thankful for blooming flowers, green grass, falling leaves and snow. Seasons are a beautiful thing and Mother Earth makes it all possible. I am thankful for Mother Earth.
12. I am thankful for glitter glue. Because of its existence I don't have to clean up piles of glitter off my floor and dog when the kids are doing art projects.
13. I am thankful for emoticons because I think they add a little personality to the written word. *<|:-)
14. I am thankful for paperclips. When ya need one they are just so damn handy.
15. I am thankful for my mother for a more reasons than I could ever list here. She loves unconditionally, is bright, funny and wise in ways I can only hope to be. She has been the best female role model I could ever have hoped for and as a bonus she doesn't wreck shit at my house like another parent
that I have.
16. I am oddly grateful to my father for wrecking shit at my house and being unpredictably quirky. He is my very own
Big Fish.
17. I am grateful for my siblings - my sister for being the best aunt in the world to my kids and my brother for being so consistently level-headed and always funny. Having good siblings makes family gatherings so much better.
18. I am thankful for my neice who has stopped calling me "Uncle Kathy" and is correctly referring to me as her aunt.
19. I am thankful for music. I believe the sounds that fill our lives also fill our souls.
20. I am thankful for meditation. Somedays it is good to think of nothing for a little while.
21. I am thankful for the word Kazoofus. As a child I would have never imagined that this made up word would change the landscape of my life. One small word, one amazing impact.
Priceless.22. I am thankful for clocks that help me be on time. The one on my puter is telling me I need to get in the shower and head to my mom's now. I guess I'll finish this list later tonight.
23. I am thankful for full service gas stations on cold winter days.
24. I am thankful that my children get to know their great-grandma. She was a light in my life as a child and she is a light in theirs as well.
25. I am thankful for the
KathyHowe Ex-Boyfriend Club. Three quality men that have positively impacted my life. I am grateful for their continued humor, wisdom, charm and support. Without them I wouldn't be who or where I am today.
26. I am grateful for warm fires, cozy throw blankets and overstuffed pillows.
27. I am grateful for toothpaste. Seriously, can you imagine going without it?
Blech.28. I am grateful for my ability to know when I have to listen to my intuition. The ability to trust that crazy little voice in my head doesn't always come easy but I usually know when I need to do it.
29. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned in 2005, particularly my newfound knowledge that sometimes I need to trust my heart even when what it tells me makes no sense at all.
30. I am thankful for magic. The ability to make wonderful things happen and to recognize them when they do is a wonderful thing.
It isn't hocus pocus yaknow.31. I am thankful for turtleneck sweaters. I live in Minnesota and if you lived here you'd be thankful for them too.
32. I am thankful for whoever built my house. They put the washer/dryer upstairs near the bedrooms.
Brilliant.33. I am thankful for my leather furniture which doesn't attract pet hair.
34. I am thankful for people like Oprah Winfrey, Oriah Mountain Dreamer and Maya Angelou for being constant sources of inspiration. The world is a better place because of people like them.
35. I am grateful for the people that know what a total pain in the ass I can be at times but love and support me anyways.
36. I am grateful for my kitchen full of FiestaWare that my mom purchased for me. They are happy dishes - bright, colorful and fun. Everything looks good on happy plates.
Love 'em.37. I am grateful that my new mailbox hasn't been mowed down by a maniac driver yet.
38. I am grateful for the "Save Draft" feature on Blogger because this list is taking longer than expected to write.
39. I am grateful for lotion. Dry, itchy skin is no fun at all.
40. I am grateful for camera phones because if it weren't for mine we wouldn't have any pictures of Thanksgiving 2005.
41. I am thankful for all of my
Naturalizer shoes. Stylish and comfortable. What more could a girl ask for?
42. I am thankful that my kids love school. It thrills me to no end that they are excited about their school days.
43. I am thankful that I know how to be mature and responsible without sacrificing the playful kid at heart that lives within me.
44. I am thankful for Dino's Pizza and Hoagies. They always give me a discount even though I never have coupons with me. It pays to be a regular customer.
45. At the moment I am pretty darn grateful that the Random Number Generator didn't give me a number higher than 58.
46. I am thankful for moments of total clarity.
47. I am thankful that despite all the ups and downs of love and romance in my life, it is still possible to make me blush.
48. I am thankful for those with a heart as big as the outdoors. You know who you are.
49. I am thankful for all of the people that work in my community especially the ones that make shopping at their stores, getting gas at their stations and eatting in their restaurants an outstanding experience.
50. I am thankful for my debt. In a roundabout way it brought me peace, joy and freedom. Someday the debt will be gone but I'll never give up my rediscovered self ever again.
51. I am thankful for laughter. Is there any sound better than a laugh?
52. I am thankful for traditions and religions that make it possible for me to believe in myself as much as I believe in things higher and more powerful than I will ever fully comprehend.
53. I am thankful for quarters because standing at the vending machine putting a fistful of nickels and dimes into the machine takes for-freaking-ever.
Four quarters and I'm done.54. I am thankful for bottled water.
So handy.55. I am thankful that people trust me enough to open up to me. It is a special honor to be trusted with someones heart.
56. I am thankful for the following lyrics from
ColdPlay's song Square One:
"You're in control is there anywhere you want to go? You're in control is there anything you want to know? The future's for discovering the space in which we're travelling." I've listened to that song a thousand times. Today is the first time I really heard it. The future is for discovering, people...what are you waiting for?
57. I am thankful for Friday nights with a house full of kids even when they aren't all actually mine.
58. I am thankful.