Thursday, November 17, 2005

Wake me up before you go-go...

This week has been insane. Not bad. Just insane. Insanely busy really and here we are at Thursday and I am absolutely beat.

Around lunchtime today a friend of mine called me but I missed his call. On my voicemail was just a quick message, first letting me know it is dogdamncold outside but then sharing his very good day with me. It was just a brief upbeat, life is good, "I'm having a great day and thought I'd share it with you" voicemail. I didn't even get any details as to WHY his day is so great.

I smiled the entire time I listened to the message. How cool. I could actually feel his energy and excitement coming through the phone.

I've been dragging all day really but that was truly a nice little perk to my day.

Spreading good cheer...what a great idea.

What are you spreading around today?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thin butter over too much toast is what I'm spreading around. Glad you got the perky message. Dr. Laura says women don't change mood that fast regarding anything men say.

4:14 PM  

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