Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I talked to my friend last night and he received his test results yesterday afternoon. He has essentially been given a clean bill of health although the scan did show something that could be scar tissue or the results of 20 years of smoking. The doctor couldn't really be sure at this point what it was but he did not feel that it is anything to be worried about. He suggested my friend come back for another scan in about 6 months to see if there is any change.

The unknown doesn't sit well with him but after talking to his sister (head of the center of disease control for a major hospital) and his brother (a doctor), I think he is feeling better with the results. I told him I thought he had a better chance of being off'd by a runaway train and should be more concerned about being in the vicinity of railroad tracks.

But I'm a Business Analyst - what do I know?

Thanks for all the well wishes yesterday. I am a big believer in the power of positive thoughts and while they can't magically make things go away, they sure can make things feel better.

I have to respond to biz's comment: Glad you have each other - that's so cool!

This friend is someone I have known for a long time. I know I talk a lot about The Boy here but this is someone that I have also been close to for many years. When I became a single parent he became my role model for how I wanted to path my life as a single person with small children. He has also repeatedly been my voice of reason and source of humor and inspiration when times were tough. He was my source of calm when I felt out of control. I have written about him here on Kazoofus in the past - the archives are offline now but he has been referred to as The Date and My Secret Crush - names that are likely familiar to long time readers. He is someone that I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for, someone that has been there a million times for me - in good times and in bad. He is someone that I plan to keep around forever.

I've said this before: I'm incredibly lucky. I know so many amazing people and I am so grateful for every one of them. I sometimes feel like I live a charmed life - how did I end up as fortunate as I am?

I have wonderful, bright, healthy, happy kids.

I have a home that I love.

I have family that is there for me again and again to laugh with and love.

I have friends that rock my world every single day.

I have a career that is better than anything I never imagined possible.

I have good health.

I have joy.

I have more than I ever dreamed of.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my readers - lurkers, commenters, friends and family. Have a safe and joyous holiday.

Love to you all,
Kathy Howe


Blogger Unknown said...

And Happy Thanksgiving to you too KathyHowe! You're part of what makes my blogosphere special.

10:36 AM  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

I'm sorry I wasn't online yesterday to send my good vibes as well, but so glad that they weren't needed.

Thank you Ms. Kathy Howe for your kind comments on my blog and I also wanted to wish YOU a happy Thanksgiving.

I love reading everything you write and feel enriched because of the time I spend here.

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Zoofus! I came by to wish you the very best of Thanksgivings. It's true- we have much to be thankful about and for me that includes having you in my neighborhood. You make me laugh- A LOT-you make me think, you make me work, you give me your friendship. Lucky me! Have a wonderful weekend,

7:59 PM  

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