Where art thou, KathyHowe?
My writing has been in the toilet lately. My apologies to my regular drivel seekers for my lack of presence here.
Lately I have been dealing with a crazy family schedule, the demands of the holiday season, the excitement of a new career gig & a love life that has been absolutely nothing like I expected it to be.
Once life slows down...I shall return to posting bloggy goodness.
Until then may the sun shine on you enough to warm your cockles.
*whatever the hell those are*
cockles of (one's) heart
One's innermost feelings: The valentine warmed the cockles of my heart.
Bless you, Kathy Howe!
"K-Ho"? Is that what we're calling you now? *snort*
So how long will you wait before plugging in "It's a Wonderful Life" DVD? I'm thinking, another week. Can't suffer through it on TV in this day and age.
Glad things are going so well! I'll be checking and waiting for your return.
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