Thursday, November 10, 2005

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Last night I had a dream that someone I know died. I'm not going to say who it was but I will say that the first thing I did when I woke up was check their blog for a death announcement just in case. I'm happy to say that all appears to be well with my friend.

I tend to analyze a good number of my dreams as well as the dreams of Boo and Sissy Bear. I think that dreams tend to provide good insight to what is happening in our waking worlds. There are some dreams that I just don't even bother with though. I think some are for entertainment purposes more than anything.

Last nights dream had me a bit rattled despite the fact that I am well aware of what death symbolizes in dreams. For me death dreams represent change more than anything else.

Right now there are a lot of changes or potential changes coming my way. Relationship changes (wave hello Mr. Incredible) and possibly career changes as well. The changes are all very positive and I'm excited to see how everything plays out. Time will tell, time will tell.

What are you dreaming about these days?

I read an article on dating as a single parent today. It specifically talks about how to introduce the idea that you have a dating life to your children. Me dating is not something my kids have ever known about in fact my son has no memory of my marriage to his father. He knows me, alone, single mom, full-time dedicated to him and his sister.

Introducing the concept of dating to them obviously was not an issue when I was on the dating hiatus, but Kathy Howe times are changing. While I have no intention of introducing Mr. Incredible to the kids just yet, they are aware of his existence in my life. I think my approach with the kids was really validated by the article that I read this morning.

I made it clear to the kids that it is important for me to get to know Mr. Incredible better before I bring him into their lives. I told them that I am optimistic that one day they will meet him but the reality is that maybe they never will. It really is too soon to tell.

Since letting them know about my relationship with him they have asked me a lot of questions on the subject. I think not having a face to put with the name, having never formally met him, makes them more comfortable with being very frank with me about what they think, feel and wonder about me dating. Considering their young ages we have had some really good conversations on the topic. I feel really good about my decision to introduce the existence of Mr. Incredible to my kids. I think for a lot of reasons it was absolutely the right thing to do.

"It is not always what we know or analyzed before we make a decision that makes it a great decision. It is what we do after we make the decision to implement and execute it that makes it a good decision."
~William Pollard (The Soul of the Firm)

Have you ever woke up and felt like for reasons you may or may not fully understand that this would be an important day in your life? You might not win the lottery but something of some significance would happen that would change you and/or your life path.

I woke up with that feeling.

So I'm puttering about my day, status quo in many regards, wondering if there is something of significance waiting for me around the next corner.

I'll keep ya'all posted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the first thing I did when I woke up was check their blog for a death announcement just in case. I'm happy to say that all appears to be well with my friend. Do you think they would have blogged about their own death? Sorry for the sarcasm but it was the first thing that popped into my mind!

I think you are doing the smart thing with your kids and Mr. Incredible. How old are your kids again?

8:50 PM  
Blogger KinnicChick said...

It was totally me, wasn't it?


I'm so happy for you. You is da bomb girlfriend. And I haven't come up with a single thing. I'm a coffee shop with a laptop kind of gal these days, what can I say? Although the burgers, brews and seasoned fries at Barkers are terrific. But don't forget the red pepper poppers if you go! And a walk along the St. Croix...

No joy-jumping off the bridge, though. You'll get arrested for that, don'tcha know.

11:12 PM  

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