Sunday, November 13, 2005

Greg Behrendt, I could kiss you right now.

If you live in a cave and haven't heard of Greg Behrendt let me just tell you he is the best thing to happen to dating since...well...since I don't know what. He rocks. So does his book. Trust me on this one.

Greg says: "If a (sane) guy really likes you, there ain't nothing that's going to get in his way."

I'm learning the truth of that statement more and more every day as I get to know Mr. Incredible better and better.

I always had this idea in my head that being crazy in love was a two way street. I felt like my perfect guy would be dogdamn tripping over himself to be with me just as I would be tripping over myself to spend time with him. Someone once told me that was a fantasy - never gonna happen. To that someone I say:


I've mentioned this before: Mr. Incredible and I have known eachother for awhile now and we hit it off immediately when we met. I have also mentioned that several months ago he let me know how he really feels about me and that I promptly did my very best chicken impression and ran clucking the other way:

I don't date, you live a bajillion miles away and if you let me keep talking I'll come up with 100 more excuses.

What I found out Thursday is the magnatude of Greg's words, "...there ain't nothing that's going to get in his way." There are details that I won't reveal here but I will say this:

Mr. Incredible found a perfect balance between persistance and patience with me to get us to where we are today. I think fairly early on he realized KathyHowe is the MASTER at building polite walls between herself and the single menfolk of the world. He set his mind to taking down that wall, one brick at a time.

I now know that months ago as his feelings for me developed he created a vision in his head of what he wanted his life to look like. He included me and two adorable little rugrats in that vision then started working towards making that reality. On the surface he took no for an answer from me but behind the scenes he has been making plans and actually making significant changes in his life to get towards his vision.

Never pushing me, never pressuring me, always supporting me he has been waiting patiently for me to WAKE THE HELL UP.

He is TRIPPING over himself to be with me.

Every single day he tells me that all he wants to do is make me happy.

Every single day he tells me that he wants us to have a future together.

Every single day he tells me he wants to be with me.

Every single day he tells me he misses me.

Something important has happened. I found out that my idea of being crazy in love maybe isn't so crazy after all. I have discovered what it feels like to be on the receiving end of unlimited care and affection. I have a new vision of teamwork and partnership. I had an amaaaaaaaaazing first date with Mr. Incredible and I want to have another and another and another and another.

It all seems so much better than I imagined it would be.

I want to tell you all about every detail of our time together but I don't even know where to begin. It was FANTASTIC. Every minute we were together left me happier and more satisfied than the minute before.

If I'm dreaming, close the door and tell the kids to pipe down...I don't wanna wake up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my! I guess I missed the first date date...sounds like he is "Mr. Incredible" long as he doesn't look like the guy from "The Incredibles".

8:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go girl! I am so glad you had a wonderful first? date. Like krush said above I think I missed the details on that first date. But if it went well that's all that matters. Crazy in love is about as sane as we can get!

7:54 AM  
Blogger KinnicChick said...

Wanna hear more, Ms. Howe...

The kids are quiet now thanks to Keith.


1:59 PM  
Blogger Iki said...

I'm happy for you. This is the best time in any relationship - the giddy, head over heels thrilled to be alive part. No matter what happened later in any of my relationships, I can still remember that time fondly.

Of course, it helps that I've never had a nasty breakup. *smirk*

3:16 PM  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Here's a news flash for the uninformed...

The giddy period doesn't have to ever end.

Three years and I still get giddy.

I also get pissy sometimes, but there's a helluva lot of giddy.

6:49 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Sigh, swoon, oh wow! How... incredible!

Seriously, I am so excited for you. I am *thrilled!*

Wow! That is pretty amazing. Pretty amazing, and pretty great.

7:38 PM  

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