Saturday, November 05, 2005

I can't believe I live for my weekends.

I sure hope my sister's cat doesn't run away this weekend. Boy...that sure would be a bummer. When she gets home I'd have to buy her a new cat, one that doesn't chase after me, pee on my laundry room floor, attack things for no reason whatsoever or climb on every single thing in sight.

I think it's safe to say that it's the peeing that really has me over the top right now. I'm going to have to replace the floor. It's wrecked and it reeks like cat piss in my entire house. I'm half tempted to rip it out now but I think it is probably best to wait for the cat to meet its demise down an old well go home.

I'm not really a very happy camper about this cat sitting thing right now. My sister will feel terrible when she finds out that her cat has gone missing is not getting along well in the Howe household.

And because my day can only get better...

I woke up this morning to find that overnight my mailbox was once again run down by some maniac driver that can't seem to spot the reflective stickers plastered across it. I patch this thing up about every three months to get it to stay upright but this last hit was a doozey and I think I'm going to have to figure out how to formally install a new one this weekend.

I wonder if they make them out of steel because I would be sickly amused to find a car wrapped around my mailbox some day.

And here's a question for you: Have you ever run into someone's mailbox? I haven't but I think if I did I would at least leave a note and offer to pay to replace it.

No sense of personal accountability...that is my issue with society today.

I also have to take care of the bees nest that has developed in my crawlspace. Ok, I confess: it developed there like two months ago but I don't go down there enough to care so I left it alone. Now the bees are finding their way upstairs so unless I see them directly headed towards Trooper I'm thinking there is no benefit to having them about my abode.


On the list this weekend is a lot of housekeeping. You can't even walk through my garage anymore - The Notorious SUV just barely fits. I'm not sure what happened but I have to get it cleaned up because it is driving me wacky. I also need to wash windows because when I sprayed the house in a layer of poison last month it mucked up my nice view. I left it like that thinking the film of poison would keep the box elder bugs at bay. I do believe my masterful plan has worked.

It's time to see what my backyard looks like again.

I also have general indoor housekeeping to do. This week was so busy - unusually so. We had something going on every single night which is very out of the ordinary for us. The house could use a little TLC, dusting and mopping.

So there you have it. The life and times of Kathy Howe, dated November 5th, 2005. What's your life looking like today?


Blogger RisibleGirl said...

My boys (22 and 24) are coming over tonight to have a poker party with mommy, big daddy (that's what I affectionately call my hubby) and uncle 'woody' (his last name is woods). Woody is the funniest person I have ever met in my life so there will be lots of laughing (and testosterone) in this household tonight.

In preparation, I have to clean, shop and go buy lots of booze.

Tomorrow I'm anticipating sleeping in and shipping my boys home.

And nothing else (except possibly nurse a headache).

12:07 PM  
Blogger elzie said...

Writing a novel - ha ha ha. Seriously, trying...

You need to erect (ha) or have someone else do it - a very strong metal post/mailbox so the next car that hits your mailbox will not soon forget it. My dad did this during the years when hitting mail boxes with a bat was the rage. It still stands after 20 years.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Iki said...

It's the piss that gets me too, although I've mentally thrown in the towel. Daisy's almost 17 for chrissake, she's never peed in the house in her life until recently. I decided to just keep lots of Woolite with Oxy clean, Spotshot, Clorox spray bleach, and all that other good stuff on hand and try to catch her before she can't hold it. And after she's gone, I'll get new carpets and rugs. I've already got the new rugs stored away and waiting. (Is that gruesome or what? To have new rugs waiting for when your dog dies?)

She deserves a break. After all, in people years she's 119 years old. That's pretty fucking old. :)

5:09 PM  

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