Lessons Learned
1. Back into parking spaces. Tow truck drivers will luv ya for it.
2. You cannot scrape crusty crap off of a battery connector with a spork.
3. If you are nice to the hotel staff that is squaring away a tow truck for you, they will give you a coupon for free drinks at the bar while you wait for your ride.
4. If the tow truck driver takes more than 2 hours you will need the hotel staff to call you a cab as well.
5. The Boy refers to my ability to score free booze as schmoozing. I call it "Scoring Free Drinks" because after 3 beers I can't say "schmoozing" without spitting on the person across from me.
Your turn! Educate me on what you've learned this week...
I've learned that prepping for a colonoscopy is WAY worse than the actual procedure.
Who knew?
Something tells me your car battery died.
Sounds like an unfortunate confluence of events to me. Or bad parkiing karma.
i learned that you can live without a washing machine comfortably for about 1.5 weeks. after that you REALLY need one. really.
Staying up late to watch a tennis match makes one very tired the next day.
1. This girl that I'm really into is more into me than I thought she was. *cheese* :D
2. Micromanaging control freaks are a pain in the arse to work for. Furthermore, it's not the micromanaging so much as it is the implied lack of trust in my ability that bothers me.
3. It's okay to admit you need help. Help feels good once you get over the "I must have failed if I need help" feeling.
Erica, I feel your #2 (meaning on the list...don't get gross). I've lived *that* pain more times than I can count.
As for the things I've learned this week:
1) That thing growing out of the ground is *not* a rose bush.
2) Just because you let the weeds take over *doesn't* mean it will look like a nature-loving English Garden.
3) After you landscape, the junk you pulled out of the ground doesn't automatically vaporize into the air. You actually have to send your husband outside to clean up the mess you just cleaned up.
4) Your husband doesn't think that cleaning up your mess is fair. For some reason, the fact that *you* spent two days sweating, shovelling, raking and yanking things out of the ground and throwing them all over the yard isn't enough work for you to do - and that you should pick up said crap from the yard yourself. (I mean, *I* did all the work, you know. What's he complaining about? All he had to do was take about 50 pounds of just-pulled weeds from all over the yard and stick them in a garbage bag. Sheesh.)
5) Gardening sucks. I'm sticking with cooking.
6) Next time I buy a new house, I'm putting in that the owner *has* to get rid of all the stinking weeds before we will buy the house.
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