Getting to know....meeeeeee....
From Erica (*licks erica*):
1) What have you learned this week?
I have learned that my baby boy is not exactly a baby anymore. He loves to help me out around the house, loves to be responsible for things but this weekend I saw a whole new big boy version of my Boo. He was helpful and well-mannered and inquisitive and said things like "accept responsibility" and "nothing is more important than family" and when we all played Uno this weekend he was just a superstar at remembering the rules of the game and bound and determined to play without assistance. Not a baby anymore. A little boy. Time sure flies when you are having the time of your life.
2. What's one thing on your Life's List of Things to Do that you have not yet done?
Get married again. *falls over laughing* I kid...I kid. Golldarnit, I dunno. I'm kind of a doer and not a dreamer but one thing I guess I have fantasized about for a long time is what would it be like to be in a truly successful relationship. So maybe to be in a successful committed relationship. Even if it only lasts for a month. *laughs tears* I kid...I kid...6 weeks at least...
3. What's a habit you have that you think people may find annoying?
I'm going to have to say that I sleep with the yellow blanket my dad made for me as a kid. Of course this is only an annoyance to a VERY SMALL audience. I don't take it with me on trips (right, Keri?) but when I'm home I sleep with it next to me or under me every night. My ex was never a fan of the blanket and when The Boy and I dated the first thing he would do when he would get to my house was toss it in the closet or under the bed. I think he was jealous that the blanket was closer to me than he was. Poor boy...
More of a statement than a question yet here I am responding to Vicki all the same:
1) I would ask "What's up with "the Boy?" but I'm definitely not answering questions at my place. People like you and Jen scare me...
The Boy recently met someone new, a romantic interest if you will, and went on a few dates with her. It didn't work out. I think he said something like her personality resembled tar and she made conversation like a mosquito. Now I'm no mosquito expert but as a lifer here in the state of Minnesota I have never had a successful conversation with a mosquito so I guess I can see where that would be a problem. Other than that, he's working, he's traveling, he's doing whatever it is that bachelor boys like to do. I haven't seen him in months but we still talk all the time. Not as much as he would like I'm sure, but by my definition...we talk all the damn time. Remember...I hate talking on the phone (he loves it), he got rid of his computer (I live on mine), morse code isn't widely used anymore and I'd send a pigeon with a note but being the avid hunter that he is, the bird wouldn't get within 100 yards of his house before he'd grab a rifle and I'd have to drive for eternity to get to his house to do mouth to beak resusitation.
Anyone else wanna play the game?
Psst....don't tell anyone...I still sleep with my baby blanket. Not much left to it now but I can't sleep without it. No matter what. I have made the entire house get up at 2am because it is missing. Am I wacko or what?!
THAT'S what that was...
(I kid. I KID!)
LOL! Vicki is chickenshit. Just like me! You and Jen scare the hell outta me, too. That's why I don't ask questions. ROFLOL!!!! Love ya, Vick!
See, Keri- this is how it works. We got the info without answering questions! Anything else we should ask her while she's on a roll?
Thanks, Kathy, for the update. So-is that blanket still in one piece? What's it made of- tent canvas? I like that you still snuggle with it. Could you post a picture?
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