Monday, August 22, 2005

As promised, I bring you more.

If you dont know what secret I revealed read THIS first, then read THIS.

OK...NOW you can read this...

I took about a week off from the dating service but when I logged off I made a mental note of three guys that I didnt necessarily want to lose touch with. We had exchanged some casual emails in the short time I was active with the service. One was wildly funny, another was incredibly direct in his line of questioning not afraid to ask me tough questions and the third struck me as a genuinely nice, nice guy. I decided that I didnt want to just disappear on them so I emailed each of them privately, the same message that basically said I was taking my profile offline. I noted that I dont have a lot of free time in my life and I needed some time to review my availability to be a part of the dating world and my approach to managing my dating service account if I did return. I essentially ended the emails with a dont call me, Ill call you signature.

All three responded back with absolute understanding of my lack of time and open invitations to call or email or meet them for lunch anytime. They each noted that they would be on standby until they heard from me again.

When I returned to the service a week later I met one more fella which brought the total number of men that didnt skeeve me out to four. As my first month anniversary with the service rolled around I cancelled my subscription once and for all and I forwarded each of the four guys a personal Kathy Howe email address so we could continue to keep in touch.

(I think this next part is the REAL answer to your burning question.)

Has Kathy Howe actually gone on any dates with any of these men?

Yes, I have. Just one date though.

Remember back in that first post when I noted that one of the reasons I dont date is lack of time? Well let me just say that point has been validated over and over in the past several weeks. I dont have the time required for a new romantic relationship and men that are interesting to me dont actually have a lotta time for it either. It took me an entire six weeks to find a timeslot that worked with my schedule and someone elses to schedule A.SINGLE.DATE.


Now I am not an exceptionally busy person. Not socially anyways. My busy life comes from tending to kids, career and house. And it still took SIX.FRIGGEN.WEEKS to schedule one date.

So, in a nutshell here it is, friends:

I met four guys that have busy lives just like mine.

I met four guys that have their kids the exact OPPOSITE schedule of when I have mine.

I met four guys that arent interested in foregoing their time with their children to spend time with a strange woman they met online. (If our schedules work together great, if not, thats life is the thought process we all share).

I met four guys that have their priorities COMPLETELY in order.

I met four nice guys.

The End.


Blogger Jen said...

1) Kazoofus is back!

2) So, how was the date?

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. D and I met online 10 months before we met in person due to conflicting schedules, etc. etc. But once we met we never looked back. We actually emailed and spoke on the phone as friends since we were both involved with others during that time...but when the time was right, it was right. :-)

8:02 PM  
Blogger Iki said...

It does my heart good to know that there ARE four nice men in the world with their priorities straight. ;)

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those 4 guys are the luckiest guys to have met you and they probably don't even know it!

10:23 PM  
Blogger KinnicChick said...

What they said.


12:05 PM  
Blogger Erica M said...

OMG OMG OMG. How did I miss this story? Where have I been?

Interesting. And, of course, you evaluated the situation and learned all kinds of lessons from it. That's the KathyHowe I know and love.

1:46 AM  

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