I just got the memo. *UPDATED*

I just got the memo that today is De-lurking Day which means if you are reading this you have to comment or Bush will get re-elected.
Or something like that.
The official rules are here.
Save the country and leave a comment.
The future of our children's children's children depends on it.
UPDATE: I heard a rumor that if you don't comment your favorite football team will never make it to the SuperBowl.
With that kind of thing in the balance!!
Hello there.
NO MORE BUSH!!!!!!!!!!
If you get enough de-lurks, can we kick Bush out of office?
Hi there!!!!
A Comment-Karen
AACCK!!! um Wait a minute.He can't get re elected.
Ok ok - so I've been shamed into delurking... have a great day!
I'm a semi-lurker, but I felt compelled to leave a comment today for some reason....
Hey there from Oahu!!!!
well *DANG* if the kids, kids, kids depend on how can I not leave a comment. So here you go, COMMENT!
Not a true Lurker, but I don't comment as much as i should!
Happy-De-Lurking Week!
( and i did this all on my own...the threat of Bush doesn't apply as i do not live in the USA, and I don't follow football......Now talk to me about the Stanley Cup and you have a whole new ball game!)
Okay ... so promise me that "W" will go away with all of his wicked cronies?
Cheers from Beverly Hills California USA
Oh, fuck the rules. I delurk over here so I can swear. And here's the weather report for Ann Arbor, MI: 36F, mostly cloudy, 76% humidity, winds 8 mph WNW, and most importantly! the barometric pressure is 30.16 and rising. Have a great day and thanks for your visits and comments!
P.S. Some of us have box seats with catering for the Super Bowl- and we don't even care who's playing.
Im delurking , giving into the shame. Oh yeah, Bush cant be re-elected...Thank You God.
P.S. Im in Dallas.. no chance we are making it to the super bowl, but Hookem Horns!
all the hate...nothing wrong with a nicely trimmed bush...I prefer it sha...what? President? Oh.
De-lurking! (LOL!)
I am comments for the New Englad Patriots. Doe my de-lurking count even when I am a public lurker already?
Unfortunatly, no time to go on and ON and ON with my usual incessant babble.
Hi there
You had me at the Bush getting re-elected (which thankfully is impossible), but when you said that my beloved Texans might not make it to the Superbowl (because they are so Superbowl bound next year), I knew I had to comment.
So, hi. :-)
*whispers* SuperBowl is coming? Really? I thought we were still in baseball. Do I still have to comment?
oh wait. I just did! :D
So...if I comment, does that mean the 49ers will go to the SuperBowl? Bwahahahaha!!!!! Well, at least by commenting, Bush won't get re-elected. Can that promise be extended to Jeb too?
hi kath! just got your e-mail. will reply soon. love ya!
Wow- how the hell did bush EVER get re-elected? I guess those people don't read Kazoofus, huh?
I'm all late and stuff.
Delurking, in spite of my Super Bowl apathy.
Keith is nothing if not reliable.
OH MY GOD HOW DID I MISS THIS? I thought I got everybody. NOW if Bush is re-elected it will be all my fault. I AM SO SORRY AMERICA. Please forgive me. I will move to Canada if thats what you want. Please let me know how I can make this up to you... How about if I get Howard Stern or... Alice Cooper.. Oh! I know! How about GEORGE CARLIN to be president?! THEN would you forgive me?
Call that "delurking".
Oh so glad I SAW this....especially this weekend and all...
I am here by way of a comment you left at Keri's blog, and will, of course, leave a comment rather than just lurk around. That Bush thing about getting reelected isn't too much of a stretch, as I understand he is really trying to get the law changed so he can actually run again. Since I didn't vote for him either time he ran for office, perhaps commenting in your blog will make a difference and keep the unthinkable nightmare from ever happening again. We can only apologize to the world so many times before they stop believing us. And before we stop believing in ourselves.
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