Wednesday, January 04, 2006

And I totally know how to make 3-cheese potatoes!

I just got a VERY excited phone call from Mr. Incredible letting me know that he got the new job that he was after.

It is an AWESOME opportunity in every conceivable way and he is equally excited that it will require him to relocate to California - a state he has wanted to live in for quite some time now.

I am THRILLED that he is getting out of stupid, dusty, hot, dry Arizona.

110 degrees is grossly hot, people and as much as I enjoyed spending time with him in Arizona my enjoyment came from HIM not the state because the state is hid.eee.ous.

Arizona does NOTHING for me canyatell?

Anyhoo, as I was saying I am tickled pink for him but me and my wallet just wandered out to the information super highway to price shop airfare to California and it is MORE expensive to fly there than to that hid.eee.ous state he lives in now. I can't say I'm surprised. Arizona sucks so I suppose they have to price tickets there cheap to trick people into going and if that is the airline pricing philosophy...

For your next gig think Boise, Idaho babe.



Blogger Sp00kalot said...

Ah yes. Arizona. I fell in a barrel cactus the last time I was in Arizona. I had shorts on. Cant say I've ever done that in New Jersey or Pennsylvania.

7:19 PM  
Blogger Iki said...

Fly to Vegas, rent a car, and drive to Cali. Cheaper AND more fun. :)

6:03 AM  
Blogger He and She said...

I visited Arizona for a week one balmy late August. We were dropping my son off for his freshman year at Arizona State University. I have never seen so much BROWN in my life and the temperature was simply ridiculous. 107-110 degrees every day and we were there during monsoon season. Rain every day. 95% humidity. I thought I would die!

10:19 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

I agree-- Arizona sucks. I have a conference there in October, and I am dreading it already.

No offense to people who live there.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Might I recommend Flagstaff, AZ? It's up in the mountains and is NOTHING like the rest of the state. It's very nice there, and you can go skiing in the winter (if they get enough snow on the big mountian). But yeah, the rest of the dry, hot state sucks.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Erica M said...

Ditto that on Flagstaff. My first (and only) time there I was very pleasantly surprised. So pretty.

Phoenix, however, blew. They say you get used to it. I'd rather not, thanks.

5:55 PM  

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