Thursday, December 29, 2005

Wake up and feel the love

Natalie has a post that melted my heart. Specifically, the letter she found.

Universe, if you don't think I'm paying attention to you, you have another thing coming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good link. I commented.

1:58 PM  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

I went to her site, and I think I might just have to read a bit more of her stuff, so thanks!

Now I might be a bit of a wet blanket about re-visiting past loves. I could have written that craigs list post at one point in my life.

And then we did try to revisit our past relationship. Our reasons for separating in the first place came right back to the surface fairly quickly. He had NO passion (I'm not speaking of the romantic type of passion), and I had too much (if there is such a thing).

I think that except for special circumstances (like folks become separated due to things other than personality conflicts), it's very easy to forget the 'bad' and romantisize that it'll be different this time.

I'm glad I had the experience to revisit that relationship though, because I learned a WHOLE lot about myself and I quit fantisizing about the 'what if's'.

(now running off with wet blanket in tow)

11:39 AM  

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