Tag I'm it again.
My Favorite Things:
Not all-inclusive and in no particular order thankyouverymuch.
1. 4 wheel drive. It makes getting up my
2. Snapshots of the kids.
3. Amber
4. Mocha's and latte's.
5. Wrinkle-free dress pants.
6. My
7. The man I'm currently dating, affectionately known here as The Date.
8. The word Kazoofus. Try to look surprised.
9. Sweet Grass Cove
10. Laptop computers. I was gonna just say "laptops" but I know some pervo would twist it to something x-rated.
11. Laptops. heh.
12. My children's school. It's incredible.
13. The color red.
14. Hanging out at bookstores.
15. Windshield wiper fluid. Seriously, how hellish would life be without it?
Your turn...
1. My kids - they're a pain but entertaining at times.
2. My wife - she's a pain but entertaining at times.
3. Music - I could not live without music in my life (KISS, Led Zeppelin...).
4. My PC without which I could not blog, order stuff, play games, balance the checkbook...
5. Comic Books - after rebooting my addiction last December, it's in full swing again.
6. My guitars
7. Mom's cooking
8. Books in general
9. Bookstores - hanging out is cool
10. Pizza
11. Dougnuts
12. the color green
13. the number 8
14. Tex Mex food, including fast food Taco Bell and Taco bueno
15. My camera and photography
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