A blackout in a whiteout.
Before 6 a.m. I had talked to 3 people - the daycare lady, my sister and my brother-in-law. The daycare lady was also without power so we were trying to figure out if school was cancelled, my sister was awake because she is too pregnant to sleep anymore and she called because she heard that I had called her husband about what I would need to do to protect my pipes from freezing if the power didn't come back on quickly.
Luckily, the house temp never dipped below 65 degrees so we were only inconvenienced with non-running water and darkness.
Which reminds me...some wiseass that I am dating recently made fun of my cell phone comparing the it's lovely full-color display to a beacon. He seems to think the display is a bit bright. I'll have to let him know that my cell phone not only allowed me to blog *coughs* shutup *coughs* it also served as a nice flashlight so I could find my way downstairs to find a REAL flashlight.
My Palm Treo has more functionality than I realized.
Rumor has it the snow is supposed to continue until Saturday. I see more snow parties in our future.
In other news: being up since 4:30am has given me a fever. I had to*coughs* leave the office early.
What's the weather like in your neighborhood?
About the same, but my power didn't go out. Neener neener neener.
Of course the Treo is a beacon. A beacon of good taste and intelligence. Heh. *hugs my Treo*
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