Friday, September 02, 2005

The pressure was too damn much.

I fold.

Under the pressure of the intense questioning and the hot disco lights I am folding like a lawn chair folds when you are attempting to sit while balancing a hot plate of sloppy joes in one hand and a bright red drink that stains in the other all while wearing white dry cleanables.

My responses to the interrogation are below:

From Jenorama:

1) Have you gone out on any more dates since you last posted about it?

Yup. Just one more though - scheduling these things is a professional organizers worst fucking nightmare. It was a week ago Thursday and I think it is safe to say a good time was had by all. I will also say that it was significantly better than my other first date. We are expecting to successfully execute a second date sometime in the next month or so but like I said, coordinating these things is not easy. It can best be compared to attempting to land a 747 with a single lit match during a windstorm.

2) Why do you like Pepsi better than Dr. Pepper?

There are deep and meaningful explanations based on firsthand experience dating back to the early 1970's. The details are complex and while they are not of technical nature are based on blind taste tests, a couple dares and one night of streaking (kidding, mom). The short answer to this is Pepsi tastes better.

3) If you had to choose between cooking a gourmet meal or talking for one hour on the phone (not to The Boy, either, to someone else), which would you choose?

Can't talk to The Boy? Ok, do I get to pick my second choice of people to talk to? If not, bring me the hot stove. I'd rather suffer burns my person and risk grease fires than talk to most people on the phone.

From Billy who forgot to ask his third question:

1) Why are you doing this 3 question thing again?

Because I can't think of anything better to post at the moment.

2) What evidence do you have that your cat was the culprit in the face-eating affair or do you have some pre-conceived notions about cats?

I'm starting to think it was the dog actually. His name is Outlaw...doesn't that predestine him to outlandish acts?

From -d:

1) What do you want to be your biggest legacy with sissy and boo bear?

That I always dealt with things with as much grace and good humor as I could muster.

2) If you had to change careers, what direction would you go?

Wow...this is tough. I've been lucky to do a lot of different things in my professional life that I ended up enjoying. I guess if I had to change careers to a new field I'd probably become a professional mime. ...kidding... I'd do something really people-oriented. Maybe sales? Something where I could help people and build relationships.

3) What is your favorite memory about your mother?

The one memory that stands out is from when I was a teenager. I remember being in the process of getting my bath water ready and I had walked out of the bathroom for something and made some sassy comment to her. She promptly hauled my "dressed in layers ass" into the bathroom and tossed me in the tub fully clothed. Jeans, sweater, everything. I remember being stunned silent just briefly then laughing hysterically with her for many minutes to follow. She likes to handle things with grace and good humor too.

Anyone else wanna play along?


Blogger Jen said...

Ooh, I'm totally stealing that from your mother if the occasion ever arises.

12:24 AM  
Blogger amarkonmywall said...

I'm waiting for the followup date. I like your mother's response to sassy- that's the kind of nonsense Abby and I get into.
I would ask "What's up with "the Boy?" but I'm definitely not answering questions at my place. People like you and Jen scare me...

8:00 PM  

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