Saturday, September 10, 2005

One green eye, one blue


That was the longest four day week ever. WTH. I'm exhausted and today I am staring down a pile of work that is due first thing Monday morning. Monday morning deadlines...sheesh...Dilbert doesn't even have to work under these kinds of demands.

Thank dog I bill by the hour.

Last night I spent some time with the ever-sexy Rella at a party with some friends from high school. Technically, I should probably say friends from Kindergarten. Five of us at the party went to school together K-12. It was a good time. I don't see them very often but I always have fun when I do.

For those of you that have never seen Rella (which is most of you) let me describe her for you. First, I swear to you on a bible that I do not own and a stack of Glamour magazines that I also do not own, Rella never ever has a bad hair day. Never. And she always looks like she walked out of a fashion magazine. I don't know where she shops but it's not at Old Navy, Bass or Van Heussen. I shop there and they do not have the colorful, fun tops that Rella wears. If I ever magically grow boobs I'm going to find out where she gets her stuff so I can ditch my librarian look. She just lights up a room when she enters - in looks and personality. She is one of a kind and I always love seeing her.

*big smoochie kisses, Rella*

After fun with girlfriends last night I had a third date. That's THREE dates with ONE man, people. I know, Mark, I'm a little stunned too and I've learned if you breathe into a paper bag slowly for several minutes that the "OMG! I can't believe she's been on THREE dates!" dizzy feeling in your head goes away.

I was talking to someone I know recently and had told them that I had suspended the dating hiatus back in July. The first thing out of their mouth was, "WOW! That is so great because you deserve to meet a great guy."

A great guy? Dammit. I was on a mission to find a total ass. This ruins everything.

What they said got me thinking though and I remember once upon a time I put together what I called my One Green Eye, One Blue List. I got greedy on that list. Not in a materialistic way but I wrote down everything that I wanted in a guy no matter how small or silly it seemed. If I wanted it, it went on the list. I spent an entire weekend with that list on a table near the fireplace, adding to it as things came to mind. I remember one of the last things I put on the list was something I waivered on all weekend. Not because I wasn't sure if I wanted it, but it just seemed so small and insignificant that I felt a little odd putting it on the list. By the end of the weekend I had scribbled down the word "piano" and felt a bit like an ass for doing it. I didn't want a sax player. I wasn't looking for a someone that could sing me to sleep. I wanted a piano player. Is Billy Joel single? Then I read the list a few times and set the paper into the burning fireplace and imagined all the stuff on that list leaving my chimney on a mission to find One Green Eye, One Blue.

And I'll be damned, last night my date played the piano for me.

I bet I wrote that list probably two and a half years ago. It was also at the same point I officially declared my dating hiatus which made the idea of sending this out into the universe seem just a smidge silly.

Now I can't say for sure if my date meets everything I listed because I don't have a photographic memory and I burned the list, remember? Besides that, I've only been talking to him for about two months and in that time he has not managed to reveal to me every single detail of his life. But so far so good better than expected. In fact, I have officially dubbed him The Last Man Standing (TLMS). Thank you, JJJJJJB for assisting me with this oh so clever naming convention. I think it is probably too soon to consider this a committed relationship - we still have so much to learn about eachother - but I will say that all the other guys *coughs* all three of them *coughs* are off my radar. They just absolutely do not compare to TLMS.

The rest of my weekend is going to include consuming coffee and working on documentation damage control for my client while listening to my Practical Magic soundtrack. The sun is shining (Keri, Iki...are we LOVING this weather or what?) and September is my favorite month of the year so I will be outside today at some point. Work can happen after dark if necessary.

My dad was in town this week and spotted my sledgehammer in the garage. He asked to borrow it and I half-heartedly said yes. I don't really need it now for anything specific but somehow I always find something to work on that requires it. I'm feeling a little separation anxiety going on right now. Not for dad....for my hammer. I also noticed he plugged in the drill he gave me and now I think I need to circle the property to find out what in the hell he was drilling. He's good with power tools but I probably have beer signage lighting up the side of my house.

And that, mi amigos, is life in Casa de Kazoofus. What's going on in su casa?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The weather could be better... it's too hot and humid today. Gonna be in the upper 80's. I hate that. :(

But since I'm at work, surrounded by air conditioning that I don't have to pay for, I guess I can't complain. *lol*


11:04 AM  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Today in the RisibleGirl/Guy casa, we're going to pick out fixtures and flooring for our new house.

They break ground next week!

I, being the buzzkill wife, will have all of our 'allowances' stored in my PDA and will keep very close tabs on what we're spending.

Poor Hubby. I can be such a drag.

11:29 AM  
Blogger KinnicChick said...

OMG, this weather is incrediblicious! I'm loving it in a big way. I'll be outside for a field show competition all afternoon/evening, so I couldn't ask for better. I was out all morning with a run and coffee at la Poste, so this is great.

I was going to ask if the OGE, OB list was torn up and then floated into the moon light, but then you said you burned it; what's up with that? ;) I love it. I really do. How cool you are. I told Mystical Marge yesterday about the KH Dating Hiatus. One of her writing exercises during our meetup yesterday was her own OGE, OB list. Yep. Just like that.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Iki said...

I stand corrected. It was ninety-fucking-two today, hazy, and humid as hell.

I demand a refund on my purchase of September. I want days in the low 80's and nights in the 50's. Hmmph.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

1) Went to Kansas City with oldest son and neighbor to see author of Eragon Christoper Paolini, and it rocked

2)While I was gone, and D had dropped off youngest son with neighbors for an HOUR, youngest son wandered home found a crowbar in the shed, and wantonly destroyed some storage tubs and poked holes in the student neighbors' garage. He was in bed before I got home, but not before I got to speak with him on the phone. Jen's Forced Labor Camp begins tomorrow.

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You rarely go on and on like that. Next thing you'll tell us he likes sporks with his enchirito.

Takes it home just to put a fresh jalepeno on top. Doesn't take a clean fork from the drawer. Uses the plastic spork you are so fond of.

Safe to say, your dating hiatus is now so much history.

8:34 AM  
Blogger Erica M said...

I'm excited that you're excited about TLMS.

12:57 AM  
Blogger Cindi said...


Can you forever be around me to remind me how lucky one can be to have such a phenomenal friend like you!

And don't worry, we can shop anytime, even without boobs :-)

1:29 PM  

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