I'm too sexy crampy for my own good
I stayed on depo during this time because not having a period is so entirely cool to me that I am willing to suffer hives and my fear of needles to not have it.
Guess what I woke up with today.
I'm going to blame my presently fowl mood on PMS.
In TLMS news....
Apparently the interest rate on him is way up here in Kazoofusville. I'm getting 1-2 emails each day from inquiring minds. Your questions are generic though:
"How are things with TLMS?"
Things are fanfreakingtastic. I'm not sure what else you want to know so if you want to pose more specific questions be my guest. Until then, allow me to ramble freely about his damn fine qualities.
He's incredibly attentive, good looking, professional, absolutely hysterical, well-read, intelligent, drives a Durango (hubba hubba), knows I don't like football and has agreed to feed me beer and pizza and rub my feet during every game we watch together, he's easy to talk to, fun to listen to, he is a great storyteller, he has hobbies, interests and friends.
He cooks, he laughs at my jokes, sends me good night text messages, he's not just timely - he's EARLY *swoons*, he agrees that beer is best out of a bottle but when push comes to shove anything cold will do, he likes old Saturday Night Live, poetry, Dr. Seuss, Fleet Farm and all of my cheesey pick-up lines.
He likes to play email games with me like 3 Questions and Hypothetical Questions. He likes snooze buttons, sleeping with a fan on, pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. He is totally turned on by the fact that I don't like to shop, has confessed that he wouldn't be the least bit offended if I told him what to wear when we were going out"Take that off and stand there nekkid while I think about this", is totally cool with the fact that I don't like to exercise and won't be dragging him to the gym and he isn't the least bit freaked out about the fact that my best friend is a boy.
He put me on a pedestal several weeks ago and has managed to keep me up there ever since. He tells me daily that he really, really likes me and to make it better, he also tells me why he likes me. Ego food...mmmmm..yum yum... The first compliment he ever paid me was on my intelligence and sense of humor which just earned him huge brownie points. He plays piano (sorry Billy Joel, you blew your chance), plays a variety of sports, is very involved with his kids and their activities, agrees that oil changes are best left to the experts, and doesn't own a Nextel (those $&*# phones drive me batshit).
At the risk of sounding completely googly-ga-ga over this guy I have to admit that I am well...uhhh...
...completely googly-ga-ga over this guy.
What else can I say?
It was only a matter of time before the dating hiatus ended...I'm just glad you waited for a good one to come by.
I know that pina colada song. So, I wanna know what he likes to do at midnight?:)
And how do you know he likes snooze buttons and sleeping with fans on?
I am guessing he is a good kisser.
Yay for googly-ga-ga-ness!
Not so yay for the period though. PMS sucks.
Yippee for TLMS! He does sound like a keeper. I especially like the fact that he tells you WHY he likes you.
Oh, and compliments you on your intelligence. LOVE it!
That whole "KathyHowe and TLMS, sitting in a tree..." and "KathyHowe has a boyfriend..." kid songs came to my head just now.
GOOD FOR YOU! He sounds devine! :D
giddy and happy for you (both!)
googly ga-ga is sooo freakin fantastic isn't it. You say "he has hobbies, interests and friends...." and he breaths? Damn woman you are a lucky lucky lady. Enjoy every moment.
The text messages goodnight are a heart melter too.
Whooooaaaaaa missy miss miss.
"He likes snooze buttons, sleeping with a fan on."
Does this imply you have shared a bed with this gentleman?
*ahem* GO YOU!
Michelle - bedroom habits were revealed in one of our rounds of 3 Questions.
I am so happy for you! TLMS sounds like a great guy. :)
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