Wednesday, August 17, 2005

WWJCD (What Would June Cleaver Do)

This morning as I readied myself and two children for the day I sent my darling daughter out to the garage to fill the water dish we keep outside for the pets.

While she was out there I was inside carefully coordinating the pile of essentials that that I am required to keep with me during the day when I am out of the house.

And I do mean pile.

You just never know when you are going to need lipgloss instead of your usual shade of lipstick, or a toy monkey, or a mood ring, or chapstick in bery berry, or tampons even though you haven't had your period in damn near three years.


As I completed my coordination efforts I yelled up the stairs for Boo to make tracks towards the sound of my voice and made my way to the garage door to place the carefully coordinated pile in The Notorious SUV. I opened the service door only to find my darling daughter, grinning ear to ear, with the worlds largest and slimiest looking frog on her shoulder.

I think she said something like "Look what I found!" but I can't be entirely sure because the instant I saw the frog eatting her shoulder off sitting on her, I simultaneously screamed and slammed the door in her face.

Like any good mother would do.

It didn't take her long to figure out the answer to her unasked question: No, we are NOT going to keep it.

How's your morning going?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Between the frog and the pajama "pocket," I am so totally wanting to borrow your kids right now.

9:24 AM  
Blogger KinnicChick said...

LMAO at Boobear from previous post and reminding you that you may not have had your period in three years, but those tampons make damn good lincoln logs when Boo needs to come along to work, so you had just better KEEP them in that bag, little missy!!!

10:49 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Oh my gosh, I am laughing my ass off at you screaming and slamming the door in her face. I so wish I could have seen that. Has your heart stopped racing yet?

11:28 AM  
Blogger amarkonmywall said...

Nearly three years? How the hell did you manage that, June? Some of us are going for the Guiness Book of World Records: 55 and still going strong. Never mind.
Now, frogs are quite nice. Put him in a box, poke some holes in it and mail him on over. He can eat the bugs in the garden. WWJCD, indeed. Too funny.

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget the frog... I love those colors too! ;)

10:56 PM  

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