Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ten Mostly Useless Facts About Moi:

1. I am the oldest sibling of three. My sister and I are only 14 months apart and we share oldest child/middle child characteristics. My brother is about 7 years younger. I frequently refer to him as "my brother the only child". The only boy in the family and so much younger than his other siblings....he was rather spoiled as a kid but not by his sisters.

2. Despite my knowledge of and interest in astrology, I'm not sure how much I believe in it but I don't disbelieve either. I think daily horoscopes tend to provide good general advice for life but I'm not sure how accurate they are. Leo horoscopes (my sign) talk a lot about romance. I've been screaming "WHAT ROMANCE!?!?!?" at computer for over two years now.

3. I love asking questions, getting to know people, sharing information...I think conversation in most any format is kewl. I used to teach charisma classes which was really fun and if I had the time I'd probably get back into it.

4. I don't believe in failure. Life is full of challenges and things do not always go as planned but that is not equivalent to failure. We only fail if we cannot pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and move forward having learned from the experience. Dwelling on the negatives in life is how I define failure and that is a choice people make not a sentence that they are handed.

5. I have a lot of ideas, beliefs and theories on life topics. I've always considered myself opinionated but other people say that I'm philosophical. You'll have to draw your own conclusions on that one.

6. I love Dilbert and I'm quite certain that Scott Adams is stalking me.

7. One of the reasons I started Kazoofus was to get my mom off my back about writing a book someday. It worked.

8. If I didn't have kids to feed I'd live off of cheese and crackers and bowls of cold cereal.

9. I'm not a big shopper. Stores like Target and Marshall Fields are for necessities as far as I'm concerned. The shopping I enjoy is kitschy little shops like what you find in Uptown Minneapolis or Stillwater, MN. That said, I'm more of a window shopper than a buyer.

10. Dr. Pepper over Coca-Cola and Pepsi trumps them both.


Blogger KinnicChick said...

I went to school with Scott Adams.

Of course, it wasn't the Scott Adams.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Get out, Keri!!! No way!!!

Gee, Kathy, I'd love to go to Target with you sometime! Or Walgreen's...

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PEPSI?! *sigh*

and i thought i knew you. gag me with a spoon.

8:54 AM  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Wow- I think I want to hang out with you.

and I TOTALLY Agree with you on the pepsi thing. ;)

9:42 AM  
Blogger Shelly said...

My husband loves Pepsi. Igh. Coke it IT, baby.

My uncle also loves Pepsi. Once, I gave him the "Pepsi challenge". I poured a glass of Coke and a glass of Pepsi and didn't let him see which was which.

He liked COKE better. When I told him which one he picked, he accused me of lying. To this day, he still thinks I'm lying. (I actually did this with my husband, as well, and met with exactly the same result.)

I didn't know I liked Coke better until *I* took that challenge myself - unfortunately for the Pepsi guys who were giving it, when I tasted them side-by-side, I was so *shocked* by the taste of Pepsi I actually spit it out onto the ground. The weren't too happy with me!

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Number 8 is kind of scary.

4:38 PM  

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