How to be a lazy blogger, by Kathy Howe
For those of you that read that site I'd like to apologize for being exceptionally lazy with my posts lately. I am on several listservs that publish great quotes via email each and every day. Once upon a time I would post those quotes with my personal thoughts and feelings on the message but lately I have been simply posting the quotes and nothing (or very little) more.
Iki recently asked me for a list of some of my favorite books and as I browsed the various book shelves and baskets around the house I came across some of my old journals. As I flipped through them I was reminded of why I started Kathzoofus in the first place. It wasn't to quote other people and share their great wisdom, it was to let people have a peek inside my head too. And I have strayed from that.
So, in the spirit of bringing Kathzoofus back to it's roots (For the inspired masses) I'll be posting some of my journal entries out on Kathzoofus starting this weekend. Some of it you may have seen there or here before so pardon the repeats if you are a long time reader.
The first thing I plan to post is something that I started writing about (oh me out here Stace) maybe three years ago? It's called "I Believe" and it is a constant work in progress. I have a journal that is dedicated to my "I Believe" statements. See my Flickr page for the dead sexy journal cover.
So if you are looking for me this weekend, come and knock on my other door.
The cooler temps and smells of Autumn brings on more of this sort of introspective writing in higher doses for me, too. I'll be glad to have your inspiration... :)
Nothing like a blog whose main point is to direct us somewhere else.
That's the ticket Kathy Howe. ;)
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