Tuesday, August 23, 2005

How timely.

I just found this dating article out on MSN.com. Go read it then come back here for my responses.

Go now. I'll wait.

First-date dictate #1: Dress with finesse

Dress however you are most comfortable dressing. I do not want to see you in a suit and tie if that is not something you enjoy wearing. Also please dress for the event. If we are meeting for a casual Sunday lunch do not gear up in your dry cleanables. A nice pair of jeans and a polo shirt are perfectly acceptable for damn near everything.

First-date dictate #2: Perfect the proper greeting

Where's my mace? Show up at my house to pick me up on a first date and I'll get the attack cat and his sidekick (the dog with the wildly wagging tail and enough drool to drown an Olympic swimmer) after you. Meet me someplace sunny, populated and easy to get to. Also, kiss me on the first date and you can expect a knee to the groin. You'll be dogdamn lucky to get a hug. And for the record: a kiss on the cheek is far less intruisive than a hug or lip kiss but still far too friendly for a first date in my opinion. Do not call me lovely or cute. Not on the first date, not ever. I would prefer to be complimented on my intelligence thankyouverymuch.

First-date dictate #3: Charm her with a bit of classic etiquette

Where have all the classy men gone? Bring on the etiquette!!!

First-date dictate #4: Order with panache

I'm a fussy eater. Do not order anything for me (or for "us") unless your are prepared to eat it alone. Only one man on this planet has ever taken command and ordered me food and he knew me damn near 3 years before doing it. And for the record, I didn't eat the cauliflower.

First-date dictate #5: Bid her goodnight in grand style

Hugs are not expected, are they? I do not expect a hug on a good first date and certainly don't expect one on a bad first date. Try kissing me on the first date and see up there under item #2 where knee meets groin.

What are or would be (if you are spoken for) your first date rules?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a grand style goodbye would be... "Would it be okay if I call you again?" as he opens my walks me 1/2 way up the driveway, giving me the "safety" and respect of being out of his car but squarely not forcing that "I'm not inviting you in" moment!


7:12 PM  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Absolutely NO Kissing. Sheesh, it was like 3 months before Hubby made the move (and boy, did he!) That was fine with me.

Since I shared our first date with the gal that set us up (just call me a chicken), we all ordered a bunch of stuff and shared. It worked out well because Hubby ordered things I'd of never tried. So, that was OK

Don't talk about previous relationships. YUCK. Get over it!

I think that about covers it.

Oh wait, compliment me (but only on things that I know are true).

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pretty much the same as yours. for a first date, i want to make a good impression, but not one that isn't me. i also want to be respectful of the person i'm meeting. i want her to see my personality and make her laugh, but not EVER make her uncomfortable, so i'd keep it light.

but fortunately i'm with my soul mate (who will only get rid of me if she dies or if i die) and won't have to go on a first date every again. :-)

8:56 AM  
Blogger Stacey said...

i'm cracking up at keith's comment here. and waiting to see what bill says. hrmmm? it took him 2 months to kiss me. i was ready to maul him.

9:08 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Um, er... We didn't really have a first date...

1) It helps if you are a democrat.

2) I won't date you if you are a Republican, so don't even bother.

3) I like coffee. And I won't eat salad, so if you don't like a woman who eats real food, need not apply.

4) If you talk about sports rather than politics or books or movies, we probably won't have a second date.

5) If you don't know what salon.com is, we probably won't have a second date.

6) I can't think of anything else.

Happily married for (the second time) a little over a month now.

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have any rules, but you reminded me of the worst first date I ever had - he spent the entire date (all 1.5 hrs of it) talking about what a witch his exwife became after she started making more money than he was, and asking me very detailed questions about my financial situation. Every time I tried to change the subject he just brought it right back around. It was eye-rolling, face-grabbing bad. I still cringe when I think about it. ugh.

5:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband and I didn't even kiss me until after he had told me he wanted to marry me.


9:24 AM  
Blogger Shooter said...

Never have him pick you up at your home on a first date, ESPECIALLY if you met online. Duh!

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I broke pretty much all of my rules on my first date with QuirkyGuy, so I guess I'll just shut up now and wonder what the heck the point of this comment was.

Wait, I do have one that I didn't break: Don't buy anything new for the date. Wear something you already have, are comfortable in and that makes you feel beautiful. Otherwise, you're just setting your expectations for the evening way too high.

8:00 PM  
Blogger Shelly said...

Oh God - I'm a complete freak. I've *never* had a first date where the guy *didn't* pick me up at my house.

I'm married now (very very happily). I did A LOT more than kiss him on our first date, I'll tell you that much! (Can you say "home run - out of the park"? And believe me, a home run it was!)

Personally, I never had any rules. I just played it the way it felt right. Must work, 'cause I've never been happier!

7:40 PM  

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