Saturday, July 30, 2005

Strike a pose

I wish I could post the smell of the air for you. I'm sitting in my backyard writing this & the smell of fresh country air is strong today.

This past week my daughter commented that we are so lucky to live in a place that is so surrounded by trees.

"Not only are they pretty, they give us lots of leaves for leaf piles and even better they clean our air!"

Smart, playful & practical...that's my girl.

I have been posting a lot on Flickr lately...check it out here:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh? I came here for Madonna.

What a gyp.

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your daughter is a girl after my own heart.

Trees rule. Rock on. :-)

Um, Madonna? I'm way more out of touch than I imagined...

5:40 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

i wish I could smell the air too.

I wish also that you could see these mountains.

But I have to hand it to you: Minnesota is quite lovely.

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

even though we're in the suburbs of dc, fairfax county is covered in trees. planners and builders have done well in preserving them as much as possible. i look out my back window to nothing but trees. love them. they keep the air fresh and clean, even among all these people!

*sniffff* aaah.

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love having a house surrounded by trees.

1:23 PM  

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