Friday, July 15, 2005

Say cheese.

I am so giggly-ga-ga-giddy right just have no idea.

This morning I got an email from Amber, a fellow blogger and friend. It wasn't your run of the mill "hey how are ya, by the way can I borrow five bucks" emails either.

Amber gifted me!

I am now the proud keeper of a Flicker PRO Account. PRO people! She UPGRADED my lameass free account for me!

How damn cool is THAT!?!?

So, now that I have more gig for my pics I'm gonna be taking more pics.

I am so damn excited about this. I started loading up some new pics right away this morning.

If you want to see the life of Kathy Howe in pictures be sure to swing by my Flickr page and look around and if you want to meet a kick ass blogger go over to Amber's and tell her hello.

She really does rock!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds very exciting. Is underwear involved?

7:14 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Oh, congratulations! Wow, Amber, that is so nice!

9:28 PM  
Blogger Sp00kalot said...

I have Flickr Pro too! I love it! There's no other way to go!! Enjoy :)

9:00 AM  

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