Private Message To People with a Blogger Profile:
Log into your blogger profile and add an email address so I can reply to your comments. I think you have to click the box that says "Show My Email Address" to make it work.
Pretty please...
The Random Thoughts of Kathy Howe.
Oh I WISH I had a blogger profile thingy, then my sexy face could appear in your comment box all the time! :-P (being very sarcastic - as some of the personal pics are a BIT much - just sayin'...)
you talkin' to me aren't ya...(lol)
what happens if we don't use our blogger profile to login?
Done! :)
Oh fuuuuuuck, okay, ya big whiner.
Happy now?
(I still don't know what my login info is... turns out it was saved in the wand here on my laptop. Whee!)
Yes, ma'am.
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