Kiss my karma
Well funk that I say...
Time my friends for "Kathy Howe Told Me To Pay It The Hell Forward".
Get off your kazoofus and go do something genuinely nice for someone. Doesn't matter how big or small the gesture, it can be done face to face, over the phone or via instant messenger for all I care. It doesn't matter what you do or how you do it.
When you are done leave a comment and let us know what you did today.
Now hop to it dogdammit...we have a world to save...
What a grand idea. I am going to send E-cards to all my girlfriends telling them I am thinking of them.
What a great idea KATHYHOWE!
I'll be back!
On your say so I just picked some flowers from my garden and gave them to my neighbor. Also, I posted Hoss' damn seal cave pictures and a Tom Waits song for Bonnie at Belle On Her Toes.
But I picked on Jen for her uninspired post. Maybe that canceled everything out.
I did something nice anonymously. Does that count?
anonymously is a really cool way to do something nice!
Good idea. On a day when I just wanted to crawl under my rock and be left alone, I reached out to two people who were hurting, to let them know they were not alone. Thanks for the gentle nudge.
I flew home to MN to surprise my mom and bring her flowers for my birthday. She was the happiest I have EVER seen her.
Miss ya Howe.
You're right about that funk... yesterday I was feeling fabulous, almost like my old self... the pre-work strike, pre-dog death, pre-job center closure-job loss relocation pre-Halfast's retirement crapola... and then suddenly - in the dumps. Like over a period of about 40 minutes, just suddenly an unhappy asshole. It's gotta be some sort of awful funk thing.
Oh wait. It was PMS. Heh. What did I do kind today? I made a stranger laugh. In the Best Buy parking lot as I was going to push my empty cart back to the store (because I don't leave the things all over the parking lot like some jackasses) and some nice older lady said, "Do you want me to take that back for you?" as she was going in, and I said, "Sure, thanks! It's a really good cart so you'll want to hold onto it. It doesn't wobble or anything, really low mileage, I've only taken it out once." And she laughed and laughed.
Cuz you know I'm all funny and charming and shit, even when I'm PMSing. :)
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