It's a hunerd and fifty thousand blazing degrees right now.
I'll take below zero any day over this. You can always layer up to keep warm but I am running out of things to remove to stay cool.
It's days like this I wish I could get my fucking AC out of my dogdamn attic.
This weekend was nice. The weather up north was absolutely perfect, the company was fantastic and we even had a turkey dinner complete with all the Thanksgiving-ish fixings at the campground one day. I wouldn't even know what restaurant to go to for a meal like that....let alone whip one together at a damn campsite.
The kids are home now and should be wrinkled for weeks considering all the time they spent in the pool and at the water park. They definitely had a fantastic trip and my daughter even scored a new bike from one of the fellow campers. My son, in true Boo Bear style, managed to biff it on his bike and bang the hell out of his forehead, arm and face. How his forehead ended up as bad as it did beats me since he had a helmet on. He's a little tired of me calling him "Crash Howe".
Right now the kids are finishing up a dish of ice cream and we will soon be off for a walk in the blazing heat.
If I don't melt on the walk I might work on getting Kazoofus, the old one, the *real* one up and running tonight. Or maybe I'll drink a beer on my porch and see if I can out-sweat the bottle.
It could really go either way at this point.
Our AC is still sitting there, dead in the yard, with the bat fried on the control panel. It's waiting for an influx of 3G. And it's hotter than Hell over here, too.
whine,whine,whine. I really didn't mean to just come over here and whine in your comment department. I was a bit cheerier to your post at Meeta's.
Holy guacamole it's like hell around these parts. Well, if I knew what hell was like it might be like this maybe. heh. yeah. whatever.
So Kath. How 'bout that heat? Well, it's not the heat, it's the humidity.
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