Thursday, July 21, 2005

Interesting but different

A random list of random things that are running through my head looking for an exit:

1. I thoroughly rinse out my coffee cup between every cup of coffee. If I owned enough cups I'd probably go so far as to use a new cup with every refill.

2. I have a headset for my phone that goes over the top of my head. Never fails that sonbitch always gets stuck in my hair.

3. I don't know what it is but people that I know, even just barely, like to banter with me. I get the funniest emails from people that I have met through work experiences.

4. I have a rule about my cell phone: if I don't have time to talk to the person that is calling, and by that I mean if I can't for whatever reason give them my undivided attention, I don't generally answer the phone.

5. I have another rule about my cell phone: when I'm driving or with my kids (or with anyone else for that matter) I don't talk on the phone unless it is really necessary or I know it will be quick. Be where you are, when you are there.

6. A few weeks ago my step-dad gave me and my grandma each a new Minnesota state quarter. My Grandma asked what it was for and I told her the coin operated laundry machine at her apartment. Mi step-padre poo-poo'd on that response. Collectors buys chocolate if it's in my wallet.

7. Every day between 2 & 3pm I have a chocolate craving. I usually cater it with Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies.

8. In a conversation with The Boy (aka: Desperately Seeking a Damn Companion), he asked me where someone should go to meet someone KathyHowe-ish. I told him that KathyHowe-ish people are quite happy at home planting flowers, dusting their mantles and sweeping their garages. They...we...aren't generally out and about unless we are hiking, biking or running errands. Finding me would require someone to drive up my driveway when I'm power-washing the vinyl siding.

9. Last night my daughter was asking me about Kazoofus and I explained to her that the dyno-mite baby design and archives weren't online right now. She instantly got a sad look on her face which is odd since she's not a Kazoofus reader. She must just intuitively *know* about the quality of the content presented here. shutup

10. One of my guiding principles in life is "What is good for my kids is good for me." Bring on the lollipops and water balloons!

11. Yesterday I was bored, today I was busier than shit (however busy shit is). Where's the zen-like balance, yo?

12. My kids recently ganged up on me with a request for a pet bird. I told them if they had only mentioned it a few weeks ago I would have saved them the dead one that I found the backyard. They migrated quickly from a beaming request to a sour roll of the eyes and a long drawn out " cannot give your children dead pets." I told them I would need to revisit my parenting manuals...I don't remember that rule.

Tell me something that dancing in your head these days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dancing in my head today is that rightnow at this moment I am content and happy and relaxed and I am enjoying it for every moment I have it.

Dancing in my head is how sweet my husband is to have driven into the city where I work after working his 8 hour shift from 4AM to noon and suprising me with a boquet or roses and irises because it is our anniversary today.

Dancing in my head is how blessed I am.

7:12 PM  
Blogger cmg said...

Hey, I liked one about the dead bird. I've gotta try that one myself. I know what you mean about #7. I get them too.

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dancing in my head: the blonde opposite Patrick Swayze in "Dirty Dancing."

5:05 AM  

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